Alliance Wins Battle for Alterac Valley!
After a more than month long battle between Hearthstone Players, the Alliance has come out victorious! This means that Vanndar Stormpike will get a Diamond version in game that will be awarded to EVERYONE! A date for when this will happen was not announced, but one would assume it comes with the next big patch.
The Honor reward system that was introduced will continue even after the Faction winner is now known, and will still reward the Golden Faction leader of the opposite faction than the one you chose. You can also still get both cards from opening packs!
Congratulations to the winning faction of the Battle of Alterac Valley:
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) January 11, 2022
For Azeroth. For the Alliance!
they hate us giving us the fucking midget vandar
I think it would be fun to know how many players chose alliance and how many chose horde. Also how many honor points each faction earned. I need statistics! This is my favorite book: :D
DeckTech confirmed on Twitter we'll be getting a blog post showing the statistics sometime next week. They're on the way.
I think horde members was more then aliance has more wins for 40
Awesome, so those who picked Horde get both!
But I got both already...
...don't have to achievement grind to do so
...and I don't want another Drek'thar
you could have disenchanted him for full dust then
Can you nerf Scabs now?
which one?
Scabbs Cutterbutter, way too OP.
MRW i come into this thread as a Horde player.

Just like WoW
For the alliance, for the light! :D
Well, I'm not surprised. Vanndar's card is more fun. I bet a lot of people picked Alliance just so they could play with it early.
But not me!
I picked Horde as a strong and loyal grunt should.
Though we lost the battle, I keep my honour in tact.
... and I still get the cool card in the end :)
That's literally me, I would have picked Horde but Vanndar is just so much more fun imo.
I'm a traitor.
Was really a dilemma for me too. I think there was a statistic showing that we were outnumbered, otherwise we would no doubt have absolutely crushed the alliance of course ;)
Because Horde card such a boring shit.
fug the alliance..