New Shaman Legendary Card Leaked - Gla'cius Frost Elemental
Eurogamer Italy just revealed a new Upcoming Expansion card: Gla'cius Frost Elemental
The card is in this, probably soon to be deleted link:
Raw Image in Italian
The Full Image as listed on the site and copied by us:
The Article text as copied by us:
Quote from EurogamerUltimamente di Blizzard non se n'è parlato particolarmente bene, visto l'enorme scandalo che l'ha colpita. Ne abbiamo discusso in lungo e in largo, seguendone l'evoluzione, sino alla modifica di nomi e costumi di alcuni personaggi al fine di ripulire un po' l'immagine. Sembra però che lo spin-off di World of Warcraf, Hearthstone, abbia per ora scampato tali modifiche.
Il gioco di carte continua dunque ad aggiornarsi, anche con nuove carte e, in esclusiva, possiamo mostrarvi quella dedicata a Barorso Gla'cius:
"I Lupi Bianchi e i Picconatori hanno entrambi rivendicato la Valle. Non sapevano che stavano calpestando il regno ghiacciato di Barorso Gla'cius. I racconti sussurrati su Sua Maestà correvano tra i ranghi. I più li liquidavano come brutti scherzi. Quelli che ascoltavano potevano cercarla nelle infide terre selvagge di Alterac."
Italian Translation courtesy of Google Translate
Please don't take this too literally as this is only a google translate capture.
Quote from EurogamerBlizzard hasn't been talked about particularly well lately, given the huge scandal that hit it. We discussed it far and wide, following its evolution, up to the modification of the names and costumes of some characters in order to clean up the image a little. However, it seems that the World of Warcraf spin-off, Hearthstone, has so far escaped such changes. The card game therefore continues to be updated, even with new cards and, exclusively, we can show you the one dedicated to Barorso Gla'cius: "The White Wolves and the Pickaxers both claimed the Vale. Little did they know they were trampling the frozen kingdom of Barorso Gla'cius. Whispered tales of His Majesty ran through the ranks. Most dismissed them as bad jokes. Those who listened could seek her. in the treacherous wilds of Alterac. "
If they are bringing frost shaman back, I hope they make something like a giant elemental minion that can only attack when it's frozen.
At least it is an Elemental that could possibly fit somewhere for existing Elemental Shaman deck...
Maybe the yet revealed Frost spells could fit in as well.... we can have a hybrid Frost-Elemental Shaman deck...
P/S: in b4 the Frost spells can both freeze and deal damages to Face better than the existing Nature spells....
Great, another expansion when half of the shaman cards are unplayable trash. Remember murloc shaman from barrens?
Am going to take my best stab at this hint going off my old school knowledge....From WoW lore it seems to point towards two things perhaps.
Number #1 Some sort of Arena fighting theme, more specifically Arathi Highlands between Hammerfall and Stromgarde Keep.
Number #2 being Netherstorm which has ties to Archmage Vargoth in that Area at the Violet Tower.
It's Alterac Valley.....
How is Netherstorm related to this in your mind, at all?
Art is pretty cool!
Love it!
Freeze Shaman? Again??? -.-
Let it go, Blizzard! Let it go!!!
I prefer the parody: fuck my ass
The masterpiece
Frost Shaman could be a thing in Wild with old school cards like Ice Breaker, can't see it happening in Standard.
Hopefully this time freeze shaman doesn't end up as a meme.
JFC. It's not even a "failed archetype." It was never an archetype in the first place. Six of 10 cards from Knights were mechanically "Freeze"-themed. The only card that didn't use the mechanic but had that element was Snowfury Giant, which was yet another poor attempt to use Overload as a central function for Shaman. The only Freeze card that saw any use at all was Brrrloc, because Shaman Murloc decks were still a mild thing then. The rest of them were complete wastes of time and dust because they included stuff like Cryostasis (buff your minion but make it useless for a turn) and Ice Breaker (freeze a really dangerous minion but use your face to remove it.) If they're trying to revive that awful approach, Shaman may end up just like it did post-Knights, which was using only cards from other sets.
Can't wait to see that this legendary is going to be the only freeze support that shaman will get this expansion
Another wasted legendary for Shaman (I hope I'm wrong)
It seems odd getting a 'leak' so soon after the mini expansion hit... Past setups have always been in 3 month increments, and it's barely been two weeks since the Deadmines hit.
Holiday season break is coming so they have to push the new expansion before the last 2 weeks of December. So yes, it will be a short meta span between Deadmines and next expansion.
Deadmines was grossly delayed because they wasted time on Mercenaries. They should be announcing the next expansion any day now.
They're probably announcing Alterac next Tuesday or the Tuesday after it.
give 1 or 2 good frost spells and its good in an actual midrange meta, but that will never happen
Crazy good tempo card at the perfect cost to cap a new shaman frost tempo deck. All we need are good tempo frost spells or minions that generate disposable frost spells like they did in Un goro for fire.
Mage: Frost
Shaman: Frostwolf clan shamans
Hunter: Stormpike explorers
Warrior: Stormpike/Frostwolf guards
Paladin: Alliance, flag captures
Priest: Alliance Graveyards
Warlock: Horde Graveyards
DH: ??????
This pretty much confirms that the new expansion will be reveled early next week, monday or tuesday. This reminds me of Kargal. Id say 2 frost spells is all it takes to make this a decent card. Not exactly hard to do with a little more support. This is a better payoff than moorabi for example.