Balance Changes Coming Next Week - 4 Changes In Total!
Blizzard just announced 4 balance changes that will go live early next week. Let's take a look at what's going to get changed.
[Click on the image for a better resolution]
Quote from BlizzardHello all,
We will be making some card changes in a patch going out early next week that we wanted to let you know about, to give players time to prepare for Masters Tour: Undercity, taking place from November 19-21. These are the cards that will be changing:
Razormane Battleguard
Old: 2 Attack, 3 Health → New: 2 Attack, 2 Health
Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline final reward)
Old: Battlecry: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +3. → New: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +2.
Old: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 3 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn. → New: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 2 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn.
Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 1]
The first three cards will be eligible for the normal full-dust refund for two weeks following the patch. Renew, which will go up in power level, will not get a dust refund. Keep an eye out for Patch Notes early next week for dev comments on these balance changes and more.
Gallon Remarks on the Changes
Quote from BlizzardCouple thoughts behind these—
Garrote: A fairly soft nerf to one of the better decks at high levels of play, this now requires 3 spell damage, up from 2, if you want to deal 30 from hand. Also opens up Armor gain to be more effective of a counter.
Arcanist Dawngrasp: Mainly a change looked at opening up more room for slower strategies in the meta.
Razormane Battleguard: Going down a health here will allow for more early game answers for the opponent. A fairly soft change to Taunt druid, and we’ll continue to monitor Taunt druid to see if any other changes will be needed.
Renew: Slower Priest decks are underperforming compared to the rest of the field, and reverting this nerf should add a bit more power back to those strategies.
Dude, you realize that wild is a casual mode. Only for fun and laughs with wacky decks. Competitive scene is In standard and they only need to keep the balance there.
Braindead take
That’s not the point here, there was a bug, and it must be fixed
Anyway, it’s done already
If carrot rogue gets axed by this nerf it will just switch to the Pirate OTK version. When will they learn that mana cheating is the real problem we have this year? Can we force people to actually pay mana for their cards? No...? ok...
why should there exclude him from the pool... its a pirate so ofc it should come theres so many bad pirate should there allso be remove becouse of bad luck?
What people don’t see is the impact on some players these nerfs have. If someone crafted quest mage for example, they will only get refunded for one card if they disenchant it post nerf.
However they may have spent loads of dust to craft the remaining deck that they will never get back although those cards may now be useless due to a single nerf.
Those nerfs resulting in unplayable decks do not impact only one card. They impact a deck and blizzards common practice of changing the meta out of the blue indirectly results in loss of dust plus additional crafts / decks to compete against the next meta.
Sorry but Quest Mage dodged bullets for months while other decks got hit with nerfs (for example OTK DH, which was truly killed off after the Il’Gynoth Hit) so it’s fair to say they have had their fair share of fun by now. Also Quest Mage only has maybe 2 or 3 other cards that are epics and no other legendaries so the dust refund from the quest covers a decent chunk of that loss. And that’s not even touching the fact that one less spell damage shouldn’t be the end of the world for a deck that can burn for lethal multiple times over due to an infinite amount of scaling ignites, which didn’t get touched.
I totally agree with you. Just used quest mage as an example - my post relates to all nerfs not just this one. Trying to make a point that once every 2 months they make a deck unplayable and only refund a single card although people may have crafted 7 more to play it.
The quest is the only legendary card in the deck. It's why toxic Quest Mage has persisted so long - the deck is super cheap and all anyone needed to craft was the quest.
.... I am a bit surprised that the 3/3 that deals 2 dmg twice to random enemies is not nerfed....
wild pirate warrior was strong before deadmine, it just got buffed significantly. (at least in wild mr smite is not an issue ;))
I think it’s because: 1. It’s brand new and they don’t want to admit their design errors yet and 2. Team 5 currently has a love affair with Pirate Warrior. I do agree that Defias Cannoneer is the true problem card in that deck though
Mage was one of my favourite classes, but theirs not been any fun decks to play since the last rotation.
So what if they forgot to nerf smite and exclude him from the juggernaut pool. Quest mage finally got fucked!!!
there is no need to exclude Smite from Juggernaut pool, but nerf him to give rush instead of charge or making he give charge to other pirates except himself are possible future nerfs, unless Blizzard decide to do Blizzard things
Wow, Renew at 1 mana. It will perfectly fit my Pirate Priest.
So all the bundles all already live but we have to wait one week for the nerfs? FF
At least they picked the right cards to nerf. It still remains to be seen whether quest mage & Razormane nerfs are enough to swing the meta, but I'll reserve judgement for now.
I wouldn't mind seeing cards in next set that punish card draws (ie. Bomb Warrior, Blood of Hakkar), or some bigger changes to quests like mercs costing 7 Mana or being shuffled into your deck rather than being added to the hand.
Still, fingers crossed these changes are enough to discourage this current PoS Solitaire meta.
Ok they are nerfing the only warrior counters. Mr. Smite be my guest…
Why I hate quest mage:
It rewards wrong play at every level. You build your deck around the quest completely, no common sense applied and no creativity needed. In game you play the card that has the corresponding element, no matter how idiotic it would otherwise be to freeze a 1/1 minion, to send 6 damage face on turn 4, or to deal 3 damage to all minions with just 1 small minion in play. A quest mage player does not have to do any meaningful decisions all game.
As a mage only free to play player, I hate quest Mage, but they have given us absolutely nothing else to play to be semi-competitive. The Frost Mage and Big Spell Mage and Ping Mage are absolute garbage. I don't mind if they nerf quest mage to the ground but give us some buffs to another archetype to allow some competitive play.