Patch 2.2 Key Features and Item Changes Guide
Heroes of the Dorm Fantasy Portrait, Epic Plays #24, Into the Nexus #45
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Deck Spotlight: Midrange Hunter
Our resident Hunter deck master Sparkaz brings us an updated Midrange Hunter deck, one which is going to see the addition of some Blackrock Mountain Dragons!
The deck was created by combining the strengths of Spark's Snake Bite and Death Trap, and then seeing how it could be upgraded via the new Blackrock Mountain cards. Spark wants to update the deck by making the following changes:
- Week 4: 2x Piloted Shredder to 2x Hungry Dragon
- Week 5: 1x Stranglethorn Tiger to 1x Volcanic Drake
At just under 3,000 dust, most of which gets eaten up by Dr. Boom, this deck is extremely affordable for any Hearthstone player. Head on over to the deck guide to learn more about this great deck, especially to learn about the Blackrock Mountain card replacements, or check out the deck below to start crafting right away.
Minion (18)
Ability (10)
Weapon (2) |
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Card Design Competition #11 - Deck & Hand Interactions
Our eleventh card design competition is well underway over on the fan creations forum, and our topic this week is Deck & Hand Interactions.
If you'd like to enter for your chance at a sweet avatar border, your card must contain the word Deck and/or Hand in the card effect text, and can be any class, any mana cost, and any card type. A couple of examples of cards currently in the game that fit the theme are:
- Deck: Malorne, Gang Up, Sense Demons
- Hand: Clockwork Giant, Sap, Echo of Medivh
You have until Midnight GMT on Wed 8th April (4pm Pacific Time on Tues 7th) to submit your entries over in the submission thread, and while you're there, go vote on your favourites. Good luck to all who enter, and if you'd like you discuss the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread. Remember, only one card entry per person.
Sylvanas Lore Spotlight
Get to learn more about Sylvanas' history with a video from our friends at Gamepedia! Check it out below.
Amaz in Hearthstone!
When he isn't topping view counts on Twitch, or playing in every tournament possible, one of our beloved Hearthstone community members, Amaz, is recording voices for some of Hearthstone's new cards.
The Blizzard Taiwan YouTube channel uploaded a video of Amaz giving his voice to the Chinese translation of the game for Imp Gang Boss, Axe Flinger, and Steamwheedle Sniper. Check out the video below to listen to the card voices and him answering a couple of questions.
This hunter deck is pretty nice. Makes you feel like you're PLAYING the class.
So much Hunter; why not some Hunter counter decks to keep them in check? Also, is it just me or is Sparxaz always being highlighted?
To be fair Spark is consistent contributor that focused on hunter well before it became mainstream to witchhunt it. And i don't feel it's bad to highlight consistent deck builder with good explanations and continuous trying to think new concepts based on meta shifting or card addition multiple times.
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to his contributions (especially when I have ZERO decking building skills), just mentioning that I always see his decks. xD
Yeah I know, i was just pointing out why it might be the case he is shown maybe more than others. Pretty much same here brother - if you don't count 6 cards changed or making crazy ideas for fun "deckbuilding" :)
Deathrattle Hunter seems overdone now.
why arent the subtitles in english?
Nothing againts Gamepedia. But i think if you want lore from Warcraft / wow / hearthstone Nobbel if best.
I was wondering what Amaz's native language was, good to see some love from Blizzard.
Who was that guy?
Don't quit your day job, Amaz.
A good advice is an honest one ^^
Congrats to Amaz! I'm sure he is hyper happy about this.
Yeah it's just because he made it. No other "theorycraft" decks have made it to featured decks AFAIK.
now i hate those cards :/
People who down-voted you and me are Amaz fanboys lol. You don't mess with his ADHD fan boys.
I don't get it, do you hate him for being happy when playing Hearthstone? Other streamers are either too salty (Kripp), Seem depressed (Reynad), or too analytical (Trump).
Amaz is the only one I see having FUN when playing.
i wait for the day when this "amaz bubble" will explode and he will be like justin bieber of hearthstone,everyone will hate him :)
It is just different age groups. He caters more towards the younger crowd of hearthstone.