Top Duels Moments of the Week - 23


Top Duels Moments of the Week

Welcome to Top Duels Moments of the Week! Because of how crazy Duels can be with all of its treasures, people experience a lot of crazy once-in-a-lifetime moments. Here, ANYONE can share some of their favorite experiences from their Duels games.

3: I Don't Have Enough Mana


Coins, Innervates, and Lightning Blooms are always amazing at cheating out your big stuff early. However Titus78's starting hand is exclusively temporary mana generators. All this mana and nothing to do with it.

2: The Ultimate Lose Condition


The Demon Seed has always been hated for how fast Warlocks can finish it and start spitting out burst damage. However, it's not as consistently quick to finish in Duels without a damaging Hero Power and duplicates in your starting deck. Unfortunately for Bomb Warriors, they contribute a HUGE amount of progress towards this Questline. Blightborn Tamsin can not only be played by turn 5 without any real effort, all future bombs drawn will explode in the opponent's face!

1: Believing In Magic


Arcanist Dawngrasp is another annoying Questline reward that chips away at enemy Health fairly quickly. Here Sammenstilling gets 2 more copies thanks a cheeky Duplicate played earlier. With Robe of the Magi also in effect, this is a passive +12 Spell Damage! Somewhere, Malygos is applauding this brand of degeneracy.

Thank you Titus78 and Sammenstilling for your submission!

If you’re a fan of Duels, or even if you just play it casually, feel free to take a screenshot of your amazing moment and send it to us. We plan to share the best ones every week, so don’t be afraid to share if you have something unique you’ve experienced.

Submit your entry by clicking the link below. In the message, include a link to your uploaded screenshot(s) as well as a brief description of the situation so that it can be accurately explained in the article.

You can use to upload your screenshot, and you don't even have to have an account to do it. Once you go to, and click on "New Post" in the top left corner. From there, select the file you want to submit. Once the upload is finished, there will be a button that says "Copy link" in the top right of the image. Then you just need to paste it in the message you send as your submission.

Thank you and good luck in all your future Duels!



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