Book of Mercenaries: Tamsin Roame - Warlock
It's a new chapter in the Book of Mercenaries, with Tamsin Roame, the Warlock. This next chapter is now LIVE! The reward for completing the chapter is 1 pack containing only Warlock cards from Standard.
Quote from BlizzardBook of Mercenaries Tamsin – Coming September 7
After escaping a vengeful demon hunter in the Barrens, the warlock Tamsin Roame has vengeance on her mind as well. Her bloodthirsty mission will take her to the Alliance's seat of power, the city of Stormwind, Tamsin's home when she was mortal. There she will attempt to unleash the demon Anetheron upon the city. But when Tamsin comes face to face with her own father, will she or anyone in the city survive? Find out when Book of Mercenaries Tamsin launches September 7th. Defeating all 8 bosses in this linear adventure will reward 1 Warlock pack, containing only Warlock cards from Standard!
Is there a secret to beating Kurtrus? I keep getting roflstomped because the double spells give him insane card advantage and insane tempo.
Dunno, people is very angry now.
Although saying is not too outrageous is a bit too much. For many it was two travels to hell and to superhell.
I enjoyed this one. It had some challenging moments, but wasn't too outrageous. And the story was fun to follow along with. Seeing these characters from different angles is quite interesting.
Also, I love how Tamsin almost seems to like Guff... just, almost.
Why have people downvoted you?
Come and pass a good time beating this boss while exagerating everything XD
If u have doubts just ask in the comments, and leave a sub plz. bye!
HS is just a pile of worms and bugs, devs && their managers are just absolute worthless human garbage unfortunately
THe most bugged expansion of all! Check youtube, all kinds of shit is beyond broken(game breaking bugs) not even talking about wild balance which went to total shit...
...Who pissed in your Cheerios
maybe just delete the game?
Am I the only one who felt that this adventure just got easier for every game? Kurtrus was by far the hardest to me :p
Bolvar was by far the hardest for me. Anetheron is just... useless, and that's when you draw enough (usable) removal and demons and get good rolls on what comes out of the opp's HP.
Almost want to boycott this one just to protest The Demon Seed bullshit.
To be fair, she never uses that in the campaign mode... wich is kinda stupid to me. If I wanted to play that in a place, it would have been in a match vs AI where nobody gets hurt.
Plus, your Tamsin is going to get roflstomped like a dozen times unless you get lucky.
In fact, she does manage to use a questline here.... the Warrior questline.
They got guts releasing the Demon Seed Mercenary with the game in its current state.
wtf are you talking about? A few weeks back called, they want their post back.
I haven't been able to play Wild since this expansion launched. The fact that it's been unplayable for those weeks is sickening.
Agree, with more than half of all wild games queuing against warlock, you either play that same degenerate warlock bullshit and race to quest completion, or you play super-aggro and hope for a nut draw to kill the opponent before Tamsin is online. Things are slightly better at legend level, but the grind to get there is a tiresome mess.
The fight against bolvar feels like any aggro vs. control match in hearthstone ever. Oh, you didnt draw twisting nether or dooooom in your starting hand? Well too bad, guess you're dead on turn 3 then. 6 tries now, i never even drew enough demons to awaken anetheron, let alone had time to play them.
Oh, it's better than that. Anetheron can't actually take out a full board alone (as well as having no rush, so doing nothing the turn you activate), so if you've exhausted your ST removal before activating him, you're shafted. The AI has a lovely 24 non-minion based reach, on top of chip damage, backfire, 13 damage eaten when you corrupting mist, and so on. You get every other turn in which to cast a single high cost minion, generally. Soul rend is an insta-loss because you'll mill. Same with DOOOOM!, usually mills and the game goes really long.
It feels unwinnable. Maybe a starter with a load of demons immediately, followed up by alternating hard wipes and demons? Even so, feels like Anetheron just kills 2-3 things per turn whilst Bolver drops 5+ and smacks your face in. If Anetheron had enough attack to kill things in two hits it'd help, but it doesn't.
ETA - finally managed by getting good pulls from his HP and basically just milling. Who cares about useless Anetheron?
This one is sort of absurd—I’ve seen Guff somehow summon a his squirrel and rather than it go straight to my face he was able to put the mount spell on it and then deal 6 somehow.
also, the shadow priest has skipped my turn two times now. I know people complained in the past about these being too easy but I don’t exactly want to get played like this. For 40 dust!