United in Stormwind Decks - Second Week Specials

United in Stormwind Decks - Second Week Specials

It's the start of the second week of United in Stormwind, and although there is much discussion going on, there's some separation starting to take place between the decks. We decided to present the best decks we found and take you to school. Enjoy!


The first deck of the article must be the best one, right? Not quite. It's like back in school. Mage is the popular kid. The other kids and the teacher like it. It's not the most athletic kid, or the smartest, but it is just a crowd pleaser and everybody loves them. You can point to their grades (stats and match ups) and tell everyone that the kid is slightly above average at best, and you will just get people mad at you. People just like this kid and will lift it up against scrutiny.

Quest Miracle
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Paladin is the religious kid. It's strong when it relies on its principles. But they are very dogmatic and if you know their limitations and use those against them, you have a gameplan. There's going to be times though where their righteous anger just smites you when they call the teacher on you.

Handbuff Paladin - gleHS
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If Paladin is the teacher's favorite kid, then Rogue is on the other end of the scale. Rogues cheat on their tests, pull pranks and say things from the back row that just not quite carry to the teacher's ears, but disrupt the class by making all the other kids bust out laughing. They seem fun when they are on your side, but any teacher will tell you they are vicious little brats, that repeatedly do things that are against normal school rules. Voted most likely to end up in jail.

[Legend] Questline Rogue
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The school bully. An aggressive, unapologetic tormentor that just has this way to get under people's skins. Their methods of torture see slight changes between school years, but on the whole you know what you are going to get with them, which is their fist in your face.

Face Hunter (85 % winrate) D10 - D5
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Most kids aren't happy to have to go to school, but then there's the goth kids, who just loathe having to go to school with every fiber of their being. And you would think that makes them relatable, but they don't relate to you at all. In fact they hate you just about as much as they hate school. They hate themselves too, but not nearly as much as they hate you. Messing with them means a round trip ride on the pain train.

Quest Zoolock
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The environmentally friendly kid. They don't just tell you off for not separating the plastic waste, no, they hammer you with doom and gloom about the planet's state and that if we just work at it that we can still save ourselves from a terrible future. And though their message about being good to the environment hasn't fundamentally changed you can't help but agree with them, because they are absolutely right and fighting with them just feels bad, whoever you are.

Aggro Elemental Shaman
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Demon Hunter

The creepy kid. The kind that asks "Did you know that scientists can tell how long it has been since somebody died by looking at the species of insect on their bodies?" and then give you this vague encouraging smile. They have this weird fascination with death, and telling them off just leads to them getting mad at you. Messing with the creepy kid is probably a really bad idea given their intimate knowledge of how things die.

Deathrattle Demon Hunter
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The class clown. The one that tells you to pull their finger, or asks you why the chicken crossed the road. It's always the same jokes, unchanged and eternal. But there's just something about the goofy face they make when they ask, and part of you is exasperated at the fact they haven't updated their repetoire of jokes but you just play along anyway, because it's better to just look on the bright side of life and have a laugh.

Clown Druid
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