Top 5 Duels Moments of the Week
We're introducing a new kind of weekly article here on Hearthpwn for those who enjoy playing as well as watching Duels! Because of how crazy Duels can be with all of its treasures, people experience a lot of crazy once-in-a-lifetime moments. Unfortunately, not very many of these events get shared. This new series will allow ANYONE to share some of their favorite experiences in their Duels games. Since this is the first week, we or course don’t have any submissions. This Top 5 will all be from RaptorWithWings to show what future articles will look like and what someone can expect to see if their entry makes it.
5: Death By 1,000 Slices
Demon Hunters just casually gaining 34 Attack on turn 6. That sounds about right. Twin Slices and Second Slices become free with Khadgar's Scrying Orb. From there, just let your Mo'arg Outcast go nuts generating an unholy amount of damage.
4: Totemic Doom
Ancient Reflections occasionally finds a good target at one point in a Duel, and this opponent found one of them. A full board of Grand Totem Eys'or passively boosting each other makes one think “I should’ve just killed the 0/4”.
3: Trees That Grow On Trees
This is what we all wanted to use Greybough for; a board filled with copies of him that summon copies of him as an unbreakable wall. Stacking Banana Split and Double Time makes this particular dream come true.
2: What Bombs?
A class without healing sounds like it wouldn’t last very long against a Bomb Warrior right? Well, there’s actually an easy way to counter it. Just get Hallazeal the Ascended from Jandice Barov and give it Stealth for 1 turn. Then have Grand Empress Shek'zara draw out all bombs (which now have Lifesteal) and fill your hand with more cards. See? Modern problems require modern solutions.
1: Kazakus, Destiny Shaper
Is the 10-cost Kazakus Golem too expensive for you? Try paying (3) for it instead. Humble Blessings creates unique situations that most other treasures can’t. Getting to use the Superior Golem’s Battlecry for cheap is one of those amazing uses. Also having Battle Totem makes you wonder how degenerate you can be. Doubling the AOE buff on a 6 minion board? That’s a 3-cost +48/+48 play right there. They should’ve played around it.
If you’re a fan of Duels, or even if you just play it casually, feel free to take a screenshot of your amazing moment and send it to us. We plan to share the best ones every week, so don’t be afraid to share if you have something unique you’ve experienced.
Submit your entry by clicking the link below. In the message, include a link to your uploaded screenshot(s) as well as a brief description of the situation so that it can be accurately explained in the article.
You can use to upload your screenshot, and you don't even have to have an account to do it. Once you go to, and click on "New Post" in the top left corner. From there, select the file you want to submit. Once the upload is finished, there will be a button that says "Copy link" in the top right of the image. Then you just need to paste it in the message you send as your submission.
Thank you and good luck in all your future Duels!
I had a fun one (no screenshot), I got killed by a dudu who got my Reckless Apprentice..when the heropower (kill and get 2 treants) targeted my hero I was instakilled (had 35 HP) sucked but had a good laugh
I’ve heard of that being possible. I’m always open to dying in the weirdest ways
Keep it going with Duels content! I l'm really enjoing the mode and this series in HearthPwn. A treasure guide/rating would be really nice. I just found content about the active treasures but nothing about the passive treasures that you can get after round 1 and 3.
Also some kind of "meta" report would be nice. For example we know that variations of Humble Blessing paladin are pretty strong now since rogue free minion HP was nerfed.
I just managed to do 42 dmg as Demon Hunter with Gift of the Legion. Not counting the damage from board :D
In the end i went 12-1, got 485 gold and 1 pack. I love this game mode!
That certainly beats my Gift of the Legion damage record. Nicely Done!
I’m enjoying duels. It’s a fun way to try new strategies not possible in standard and many cards I’ve never played.
Definitely agree! And building the deck as you go is extremely fun. I went back and played some arena and almost forgot - after a win you get nothing but... a tougher match...
I don't have a screenshot of this, but I found it quite amusing, so I figure I'll just share my story in a comment if you don't mind. The opponent had lethal on board, and I had no board clears in my hand or deck. But what I did have was the book of wonders treasure and a dream. So I though to myself "Well if I top deck a scroll and it gives me flamestrike, I'm still alive". And that's exactly what happened. All according to plan.
When it comes to Hearthstone, I'll take being lucky over being smart any day.
I really enjoy Duels, so thanks for writing about it!
I’m really happy to see someone write about Duels, I think it is the most fun format and forces you to really think outside-the-box when building your deck. Keep it up, would also love to see a deck building section for Duels.
Interesante, esto en realidad son ejemplos de porque la gente no juega Duelos
You want news that matters? Check out the other 99% of our news articles. That last 1% is my special corner of the site where I can post about fun stuff and casual nonsense for people who want something different. They aren't desperate for content, they're letting me create my own. Whether you like my posts or not, you can't deny that no other Hearthstone website is creating the same content I am. Custom Friendly Game Modes, Multi-Archetype Decks, even an entire custom expansion! That's all me baby!
MAN! It's refreshing to see someone in the community that's passionate in the way I am! Please link me to your Custom Friendly Game Modes, as I have a TON of ideas about that (creative deckbuilding constraints), especially after having an absolute blast in the Best Of 3 brawl last week. Cheers!
I spent so much time in the Best of 3 brawl on all 3 servers, that I could have gladly written an article on the pocket meta and many creative counters to it, as well as fun decks I invented that do normally impossible things, like Myra's Academic Zephrys (which I used to generate Flare to win vs Ice Block).
I think I even came up with a semi-viable class-agnostic deck: Nat Pagle, Wyrmrest Purifier, Zephrys
And another one, that counters any face-pointing spell decks (aka most mages): Cult Neophyte, Robes of Protection, Kobold Monk
You could use these agnostic decks to just level the class you otherwise wouldn't play or don't have at lvl60 yet, for me, that's DH.
Later I realized the most broken deck is probably also DH because Demon Companion, Mana Burn, Cult Neophyte kills even the immune builds (Ice Block/TimeOut/Rogues stealth/immune) if you pilot it correctly, with most draw distributions, while seriously disrupting any deck that wants to play spells or use mana amounts larger than 1-2. For that DH I believe only Pogo matchup was bad, apart from patches druid which is just unwinnable, apart from bloom>Flurgl+Toxfin, 5-coin Flik Skyshiv, or immune builds.
Another quick anti-Flow deck was Intrepid Initiate, Adapt, Subdue
The most fun I had was SorcApprentice ManaBiscuit Evocation, or apm mage in Top 3 (dunno why i named it "best of 3" above);
My most well-performing original concept was Radiant-Thoughtsteal-Renew, beating Incanter's Flow w their own cards, while maintaining flexibility in other matchups.
Wish there was a potato card I could award to anyone who made it this far down...
This post seems like a desperate one @Harthbone
Nobody plays Duels. The RNG is even worse than Standard Mode itself. And that’s just the tip of the Ice berg with what’s wrong with the format.
How about a post that actually matters fellas? Wanna write about Team 5, Deck of Lunacy, librams.. etc.?
Game stats, class stats, win rates... are we having trouble finding topics?
shhhhh, let people enjoy things
Nobody plays Standard. The monotony is even worse than Classic Mode itself. And that’s just the tip of the Ice berg with what’s wrong with the format.
How about a comment that actually matters fella? Wanna comment about why you dislike duels.. etc.?
What a nice ideea to have more game news or posts. Id like to see these every week, and id love to see some duels deck that are wacky and fun with different takes and not just the elitists ones.
Someone buy this guy internet for 30 more days please.