The New Core Set Revealed Cards - Old, New and Reimagined.
We have gathered here the cards that were revealed to be part of the new Core set. Check it out!
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FWIW - your own definition of the term seems far too restrictive. Lots of cards can be "good" without seeing any play at all - Sparkjoy Cheat is an excellent example. The card is clearly good, though there isn't currently a deck that plays the card - a few other Rogue decks are simply much better than Secret Rogue.
In addition - you are the only person using a merely "operational" definition of the term. For you, "playable" means "actually seeing play right now" and nothing else. Rotnest Drake currently isn't seeing much play - but the card isn't "bad" or "unplayable". Indeed, judging by the HSReplays numbers, Rotnest is simply underplayed, enjoying one of the highest "played win-rates" of any 5-drop in the game. But if playable only means "seeing play right now" there isn't much room for discussing most of what is interesting about card games - how best to leverage advantages against the top decks in the meta-game by testing under-played but over-performing cards.
etc, etc . . .
Game will be pure trash now.
always has been, both before and after ben brode left
what's gonna happen with the unopened Packs?
They will still have classic cards. (With HoF cards. and no new classic cards like Natalie).
But you will not be able to play with them in standard. They will give a std core set free.
6 damage for 4 mana, and can be sent to the face? No thanks; I hope that doesn't make it to the game.
I upvote just for your name 😅
We passed from a game that stayed the same year over year to this game that I hardly recognize. It seems to me that they're throwing everything but the kitchen sink, rushing most of this changes, just to grab the players by their tail...
Change is not necessarily bad. I can finally recommend this to my friends for the simple fact that they give everyone a chance to have a competitive deck from day one. Also, fixing old, unplayable cards, shifting the meta more than usual at rotation, and reworking shaman to be less rng reliant is also good. I'd argue this has been the best time to play HS ever.
I am curious if there will be a legend-viable deck made only from core set cards. It is an impossible feat to achieve with classic+basic but with the core set it may be a possible thing.
This game is 7 years old, what the hell are you talking about? I don't play much standard, probably still won't, but this is only a positive thing. Standard has been boring power creep for it's entire existence, they've only very recently been trying to mix it up with their design.
You're right, and they are paying and convincing some new noobs to accept this, many losers that never reached anything and never will think with this change they will be something.
Didn't say it would be good, I said playable. Maly is definitely the worst one of the bunch now but the card isn't bad per se. Just as all the other dragons it needs a heavy control shell to work but you can't underestimate how powerful a card that can technically draw up to 10 cards, and specially tutor them, is. As you said, reallistically it could be like 4-6 cards but that can be game winning for a slow deck.
this operational definition of playable you're using is completely meaningless. 99% of the time when people are asking if a card is playable, they mean is it good in actual high-level decks, like could you play it at legend. there aren't any unplayable cards at Chicken rank so defining playable in the way that you are is meaningless.
Where's the Priest spell? 2 mana Discover a spell from your deck
Does anybody know what will happen with the original Menagerie Warden? Will the Karazhan card be changed? Will we have both versions in wild? Will wild and standard versions differ?
I would assume it works like when we got access to N'zoth and those cards for free in 2019 or whenever that was, meaning that the new version of the card replaces the old one in wild unless the card does different things (new malygos and old malygos will be exist simultaneously afaik in wild), but for Menagerie Warden specifically I would assume the wild version is changed to this new core set one but is loaned to everyone for the duration of the standard core set.
The card got buffed, so there is only one version of the card.
Doesn’t Secret Mage draw like 4-6 cards with Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon ?
New Malygos is here to stay as a support for spell decks as a very good fill up card. It doesn’t need to go into a combo deck.
I think it's going to be weak in most classes but specifically in druid it's going to be insane. With the 0 mana give taunt card and the 0 mana deal 3 card you can just use the spells for immediate defense and you're druid so you can ramp to it.