19.4.1 Balance Patch Notes - Changes to Hysteria and Duels
Blizzard sent out the patch notes for the Hysteria change that will go live Thursday, January 28th, and which they announced last week. Read about it and the Duels changes below!
Quote from BlizzardThe 19.4.1 patch, arriving on January 28, includes a change for Hysteria from the Darkmoon Races Mini-Set, balance adjustments for Duels, and a handful of game improvements!
Standard Balance Updates
- Old: Choose a minion. It attacks random minions until it dies.
- New: Choose an enemy minion. It attacks random minions until it dies.
Hysteria will be eligible for a full dust refund for 2 weeks after the 19.4.1 patch goes live.
Duels Balance Updates
- Old: [Passive] After you play the left- or right-most card, gain 1 Attack this turn.
- New: [Costs 1] After you play the left or right-most card in your hand, gain +1 Attack this turn.
Death Games
- Old: Trigger a minion's Deathrattle.
- New: Trigger a random friendly minion's Deathrattle.
- Old: [Costs 6]
- New: [Beast, Costs 8]
- Dev Comment: Turns out Bonecrusher is a silly rabbit.
Fractured Spirits
- Old: [Costs 5]
- New: [Costs 4]
Royal Greatsword
- Old: [Costs 6]
- New: [Costs 5]
Herald of the Scaled Ones
- Now has the Dragon tag.
- Cannibalism has moved from Passive Treasure pool 1 to pool 2
- Sandy Surprise has been removed from the Passive Treasures pool.
Miscellaneous Updates & Game Improvements
- Fixed a bug where Collection Achievement progress could get out of sync with the current contents of your collection.
- Dev Comment: You will still never lose credit for an Achievement once it's been completed.
- Fixed a bug where Arena could fail to load for new players.
- Fixed a Duels bug where the animation for Harvest Time! would play twice.
- Fixed a Duels bug where Shadow Word: Void would summon minions based on the target minion's default Health rather than current Health remaining.
- Fixed a visual bug where notifications would persist for the Journal after completed Achievements had been claimed.
Never mind
Good nerf, and if you don't like it criers, buy more random-generated bundles or chinese skins
I don’t really care about Hysteria, but I’m glad they fixed/balanced all that shit in duels. I can’t name a single nerf/buff on that list that I don’t like.
lol this is one is nerfed exactly as i thought, the good old blizzard that nerf good card to kill it instead fixing stupid cards, but anyway, we can't do much about it
here is Neferset Thrasher alternative
and i think there is much to improve, eg adding Darkglare package within to get pressure on board and have otk earlier without full combo cuz giants
keep nerfing priest, the worst class in hs history while rogue, shaman, warlock broke the game. Druid defeating players in turn 5
We had priest for almost 5 years of toxic metas and all years in wild meta. Pls, stop it, get some help.
Do you only play standard or
First of all, i think the nerf hitting hysteria is to prevent a lot of broken things in the future aswell(with other similar minions or lifesteal effects etc). Hysteria was designed as removal card anyway. Also, if they wanted to just nerf Tiller, things are simple "the FIRST time this minion attacks....", same for neferset if it was needed etc.
I also don't understand why they made hysteria max out at 30, i feel like it should've maxed at 14 (the most amount of minions that can be on the board at one time). That was how defile worked, also 14 triggers would only be 28 damage so that would have KIND OF helped.
Really lame how they nerfed a fun new card like Hysteria just because of a degenerate combo in wild. Would have been better to just nerf Wretched Tiller to only extra damage when it attacks face. Or that the extra damage is dealt to a random enemy minion. That way you disable the combo without ruining a new card and Tiller doesn't even matter since it never saw play anyway.
I really don't know in what they were thinking. I always agree with the nerfs (at least to some extent), but this is SO stupid. The balance team missed the mark in this one.
The Hysteria change isn't sufficient. Warlocks can do Wretched Tiller, Deathspeaker, Treachery and Hysteria combos.
That seems like a lot of effort to kill yourself. Why not just concede?
relax guys. its a joke
Edit: Oh yeah lol if you give it to them it damages you, duh.
now image it when replace tiller with Neferset Thrasher , bam, you have new combo
@Alekc233 5 cards for 15 mana is more difficult combo, than 4 cards for 10 mana :P i can deal with it.
Neferset Thrasher + Deathspeaker + Deathspeaker to keep Thrasher alive + Treachery on Thrasher + Hysteria
Secret mage untouched? are you crazy
Couldn't they have just had Wretched Tiller state "Whenever this minion deals damage, deal 2 damage to enemy hero". ???
Seems to me like that would fix everything......