Introducing the Darkmoon Races Mini-Set!- All New Cards! - Release 21st of January!
Blizzard just announced Darkmoon Races Mini-Set, which will be launching on January 21.
Fasten your seatbelts and keep all limbs (and tentacles) inside your vehicle, It’s time for the fastest and most dangerous competition in the whole of Azeroth: The Darkmoon Races!
- Includes 35 unique cards (66 new cards in total), features Legendary racers, and returning mechanics from the Year of the Phoenix!
- The Darkmoon Races Mini-Set cards can be obtained from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire card packs!
- For the first time ever, the entire 66 card set will be available for purchase from the in-game or web shop for $14.99/14.99€ or 2000 Gold!
- PlayHearthstone will be revealing new cards every hour from now on!
Quote from CelestalonQuestion: "Any new achievements for the miniset cards?"
Answer: "YUP! 12 new achievements coming, specific to the Darkmoon Races cards! (My favorite is the Rogue one.) :D"
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"Card games are intended to be expensive"
It boggles the mind that you actually accept this.
"And this one isn't the most expensive one"
Hearthstone has been one of if not the most expensive free to play mobile games. It still is. Even with this "good deal."
Dear god I’ll just block you. Goodbye sir.
Yeah that's right. When you have no actual argument, just hold your hands over your ears.
I hope you do understand it’s the old adventure mini set without the adventure part?
It costs 100 less gold, has the same amount of cards and comes right before the rotation.
Not trying to be the buzzkill, just stating the facts. That’s totally normal price for the set it’s not cheap. The fact that you can get the cards from packs is good but nobody told you you will be able to craft them the normal way.
However, cards tend to be powercreeped nowadays so this set probably will give us good cards for the cost.
How is Armor Vendor balanced? Knife Vendor has a "similar" effect (I mean, it substracts life instead of giving, but you get what I'm saying) for 4 mana and it's understated. This has premium stats and a pretty good stats. For warrior it's a dream. For non warriors, a freaking nightmare.
Gaining armor and dealing damage battlecries are not simply the inverse of each other. Knife Vendor ignores taunt and secrets that would prevent damage through attacks (Ice Barrier, Noble Sacrifice) or spells (Counterspell, Oh My Yogg!).
Ever heard of Mistress of mixtures? 2/2 heals both for 4. Didn't stop pirate warrior from being the best 1 deck ;)
I think they mentioned this will be happening for every set now
but we can't know for sure if the amount of cards and the prices will stay the same too
Also, Donkey from Shrek in horse form, nice
Ba-ba-barricade is EXACTLY what I want in my Paladin NZOTH Deck.
Quick question regarding the tavern pass, will the pass progress reset upon this release or is it for the main set released usually around April time?
Pass progress is tied to the main sets
That's one thing I'm wondering, if you pay the 2000 gold, is there a chance for some of the cards to be golden, or are they all normal?
like an adventure, everithing normal, here at least you have the upside of maybe getting a golden copy from a pack from time to time instead of just having to craft it.
I guess they're normal. Just like when you bought the Galakrond's Miniset
Why do 1 mana 1/3 minions have to have huge effects nowadays?
Because that's the statline they can give to 1-drops so that they are strong, without making aggro overpowered.
Galakrond's Awakening was also a mini-set, kind of.