19.2.1 Patch Notes - Edwin & Boggspine Nerfs - Battleground Change
Blizzard just announced some balance changes to both Constructed and Battlegrounds. Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardWe’ve got a small balance patch with a few big changes planned for release this Friday, January 8!
Standard Balance Updates
Edwin VanCleef
- Old: [Costs 3] → New: [Costs 4]
- Dev Comment: The last few weeks have been the best Edwin has ever performed as an individual card (the highest win rate card in multiple Rogue archetypes). Alongside cards like Foxy Fraud and Shadowstep, the frequency of early 8/8 or 10/10 Edwin VanCleefs reached a point we are no longer comfortable with. We want to evaluate how the rest of Rogue's kit performs without this very powerful iteration of Edwin. Cards like Foxy Fraud, Swindle, and Prize Plunderer are important pieces for future expansions and card interactions, so we'll be keeping close tabs on how they perform with the influx of new cards and Edwin's nerf.
Boggspine Knuckles
- Old: 4 Attack → New: 3 Attack
- Dev Comment: We're lowering the attack on Boggspine Knuckles in order to cut into the fluidity of Evolve Shaman, increasing the required investment of playing a 5-mana weapon without a free Dread Corsair, and reduce the overall damage output the deck is capable of over multiple weapon charges. This change lowers the amount of explosive plays available to Evolve Shaman and should create an overall healthier meta.
Edwin VanCleef and Boggspine Knuckles will be eligible for a full dust refund for 2 weeks after the 19.2.1 patch goes live.
Battlegrounds Balance Update
Elistra the Immortal
- Old: 7 Attack, 7 Health → New: 4 Attack, 4 Health
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Infinite Toki’s Temporal Tavern would not function correctly with the New Recruit Darkmoon Prize.
- Fixed a bug where Ysera’s Dream Portal, when used with the New Recruit Darkmoon Prize, would not offer a Dragon when Bob’s Tavern is full.
Also sorry this didn't get into the notes but: Yes Edwin will still rotate later this year and yes we will be reverting the nerf (along with others) at that time.
— Alec Dawson (@GW_Alec) January 8, 2021
We'll be looking at Wild more frequently throughout the year, setting some things up to help us do that better.
— Alec Dawson (@GW_Alec) January 8, 2021
Any card release has the chance to shift Wild to some degree, the upcoming mini-set being no different. There's some good stuff!
Nerfing a rogue card that has been in the game forever cuz of a new card,thats kinda pathetic.Balance the new cards around classic cards,wtf... There are matchups where u kinda have to allin with a big Edwin,leaves ur hand empty,and often not a bigger body than 8/8 or 10/10 on the board on turn 3-4-5,with a million counterplay to it-secrets,poly,hex,silence,all that stuff.Its a high risk high reward play often,but u can lose the game on the spot,depending on ur next topdeck..Surely needed a nerf,at least u can counterplay druid with corrupted clowns after the +4+4 buff,thats kinda balanced.Also nerfing a shaman weapon by dmg when it wasnt the problem,it was the durability that gives u 2 turns of rng evolve,even an 5/1 weapon would be a better nerf...Damn,even Blizzard dont understand their own game at this point im starting to think..
I agree. Almost every time I pull out a huge Edwin I’m already understanding that it’s going to get shut down next turn so I’m just investing into baiting out a removal card from my opponent. The turn one 14/14 minion people complain about is basically a unicorn
Best of all, was playing rouge in battlegrounds with the passive treasure Sandy Surprise which give me a 3 mana 8/8 with stealth. But now...Unlucky kekw
The other big issue is hoard pillager. They should nerf it to "re-equip a weapon with 1 durability" or maybe improve its stats and reword the effect into "puts a destroyed weapon in your hand".
Secret mage and Raza the Chained terrorizing wild mode for so long and no nerfs for them.. that's bizarre
Too be honest, if Secret Mage and Raza are nerfed, then all kinds of combo Druid will run rampant on the wild ladder. Then if you nerf Druid, another broken wild archetype will rise to the top. So honestly, we need more than A nerf, but a overhaul of the wild system, which would take a lot more work than just a nerf
As long as aggro decks like Suicide lock and token Druid exist, combo Druid will never be tier 1.
Please don't nerf secret mage, it's my favourite deck in wild
How is it bizarre? They dont do balance for Wild and they never have. That's literally the entire point of Wild. The amount of people who even play Wild is MAYBE 15% of the amount who play Standard.
Do you have any source for 15% ?
Nerf a classic card after like 7 years cuz of newer card from a rotatable expansion makes absolutely no sense
Nooo! How dare they to touch my boy Edwin. :((
I mean i hate rogue for their sap effects but really edwin nerf? Rogue has barely any good legendaries and after 7 years you nerf edwin?????? Blows my mind how incompetent they still are and btw evolve weapon nerf actually makes it not possible to play the Pirate on turn 5 with weapon anymore that kind of sucks for them so it is actually a decent nerf.
rogues once again getting bullied for their 1 in 10 games maybe big van cleef while aggro midrange tempos out on the reg by game after game
non sense .
Nasty moving is always caused by " shadow step "
they should increase the cost of it insted of edwin .
and that weapon's attack is doesnt matter.
It lowers damage and stops them from dropping some zero mana 3/3 taunts on turn 5, so yeah it does matter
You are wrong, i have tried it myself , i have full classic set , disenchanted alakir and after 5 packs i got him , disenchanted him again and got him in another 20 packs. packs works this way. you open the pack and after opening pack the game check your set and if the pack is predetermined to have legendary it will be always the legendary you miss. There are duplicate protection and you will never get duplicate legendary unless you have full set. so If you disenchant edwin and it will be only 1 you miss u will open him in packs as first legendary you open. 3 years back you were able to open 3 tinkmasters in 1 pack . Kripp got 2 lorewalkers in 1 pack but it is quite useless , so they made that duplicate protection and it is really fine.
Strange. When I thought that I could guarantee the golden classics I'd get from a pack I felt pretty stupid ;) Maybe there is a priority when you have all. The last two legendary classics I got were ones I only had in golden at least. Also you can't disenchant a golden rare and get it again despite duplicate protection, so there is some kind of "owned" function
No that guy above is a troll.
If you disenchant a card of any rarity, it is still marked as owned. You arent guaranteed to get it when you next open a pack.
This has been confirmed over and over and over
Why is Tickatus not being nerfed? Most toxic card ever made, where is the fun and interactive when your opponent can burn a 3rd of your deck ffs?