This week's brawl is Half & Half!
Create a deck of 15 cards. At the start of the game, we'll complete your deck with a copy of your opponent's!
This Brawl uses the Wild format.
A Classic Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
I played Warrior, with 15 copies of Minefield. Fatigue ftw.
These are 3 decks I created that I am having a lot of fun with.
Rogue with weapon buff cards worked for me - he was probably stuck with 2xdeadly poison and 2x give weapon life steal in the end 😂
give oponent 0 and 10 cast card and hope there dont draw well
Hey this is a new one. This is a great idea
Probably the Tavern that i've played most times ! iT was so much fun, gave Both Yogg's to my opponents as priest, with card stealing spells (so, multiple yoggs to both players ! xD). and also playing with silly cards sometimes. I really like this tavern concept.
I've put the most garbage cards that can't attack or have useless synergies in there. Was quite fun.
apart from all the "put cards in your deck that only synergize with your hero power" strategies, there is also the "confusion" strategy:
play a combo deck that is too complicated for most players to grasp. With a key card that is easily abused for tempo.
Use mostly defensive cards so that your opponent gets plenty of cards that won't help his (likely) offensive strategy.
E.g. some complicated treachery combo. Something with Majordomus. Octosari. Auchenai Soulpriest (priest is particularly good in being defensive)....
When your opponent draws a Baleful Banker but then cannot decide what to bank. Or unknowingly uses Defile when it's essential for the combo. :D
i made one with 15 copies of y golden ultrasaur :D, my opponet said "wow" every time he drew one
This one would be cool if either the cards were limited by 2 each (1 for legendaries) or you could add as many copies regardless of how many you have.
Totem shaman rules this brawl. You can easily put 15 cards there that are just terrible for your opponent, and still have a balanced deck yourself with weapons (the splitter), spells (both +2, reflection, +1/+1 per totem), minions (draenei carver, thunderbluff valiant, tour guide, thing from below). Just make sure you don't include any totem or totem generating abilities in the list. It's boring though.
They fixed it, i can only put two copies of rares/commons.
Ah ok, you can put 2 normal and 2 golden copys in your deck.
Still Works for me xD
i mean, yeah its fun and you can create a deck, but since my only incentive was the pack, cause i cant do quest in the brawl, i played once, my oponent randomly conceded, and see you next week.
Fundamentally, you want things that synergize with your hero power but not that of other heroes. This includes but is not limited to:
Weapon rogue
Hero power mage alongside targets that are weak to mage hero power
Totem shaman (you might want some hero power synergy cards for additional value, such as tour guide and garrison commander)
Silver hand paladin (basically same as totem shaman, except silver hand buffers instead)
Attack proc demon hunter w/o weapons (so battlefiend, furious felfin, satyr overseer). Note that however this is undercut by the fact that druid and rogue can also attack consistently
I don't think the other hero powers are sufficiently exclusive and valuable enough when being exclusive to give a significant advantage in this brawl.
For example, you CAN run an armor warrior. However, if you don't have armor ramp, you won't get much value out of it(shield slam, reckless flurry, heavy metal etc scales with armor, and won't do much with low armor) and if you do run armor ramp, your opponent can use them too. While the cards would be strictly better for you than them, the difference, comparatively speaking, is smaller than the others.
It is interesting to note that which is best would depend heavily on your collection, especially considering this is both wild format AND there is no card limit.
I went with rogue because I happen to have 10 Vulpera Toxinblades, it was a slaughter. the other 5 was 2 steeldancer and 3 cutting class. But if you don't have much rogue weapon cards but say tons of totem related cards, shaman might be better for you. AFAIK, you can't even craft pass 4 copies(2 normal, 2 golden) so you can't even go all in on some strategies even if you wanted to.
Funny thing i just discovered about this brawl - you can put more than 2 copies of rares or commons, so I just made Rouge deck with Bazaar Burglary & 14 copies of Clever Disguise - the game was fiesta & enemy warlock was a little confused, but I won at first try xD
they get a Bazaar also
I know - was fun :P
Hero Power Rogue seems decent for a win
Deadly Poison x4
Dread Corsair 2+
Buccaneer 2+
Vulpera Toxinblade
Cutting Class 2+ ? Runeforge Haunter
The real challenge here is to screw your opponent's deck more effectively than he screws yours.