REWARDS TRACK UPDATE - Official Blizzard Statement
Blizzard just posted a lengthy update detailing their plans with the Reward track, what they communicated about badly and what is going to change. Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardWe have been listening to your feedback regarding the Rewards Track and it’s clear we missed the mark both in how we communicated and implemented the full functionality of this first version of our rewards system.
We apologize for the confusion and disappointment we have caused.
During the natural progression of the rewards cycle, our intention was, and still is, to give out extra XP over time through a variety of ways. The aim is to help players get through the Rewards Track, or catch-up if they join later in an expansion phase, ultimately ensuring players earn more rewards.
We also didn’t provide any details for how events will link into and support the rewards system. We will be providing bonus XP for various activities at each seasonal event every expansion cycle, and any additional bonus events as needed, again with the aim of ensuring that our players obtain more rewards. Our failure to communicate these factors has led to incomplete projections, for which we apologize.
In addition, you’ve provided us with a wealth of feedback, and we agree that the pack rewards at the end of the track don’t feel appropriate for the effort it takes to get them. We’re going to adjust these rewards in the later stages of the track, swapping six packs for a total of 1350 gold that players can spend as they see fit. If any players reach this milestone before we implement these changes, they will be retroactively compensated.
Our goal for the Rewards Track continues to be that all Hearthstone players earn more gold and total rewards per expansion. We’ll continue to evaluate the impact of these changes, listen to your feedback, and iterate as needed until we get it right.
We will stay true to our word and ensure that the system lives up to what we all believe Hearthstone deserves.
Thank you,
Ben Lee
Game Director
I am not happy at all, the fundemantal change needed is the fucking cost of this game! After opening both early pre-orders and getting 4 legendaries (bare in mind that was £100!! a hundred fucking poumds) and im still missing most of the set needing to spend another £180 today to complete!
Make this game more affordable or you deserve to lose players!
if ya waste battiez keep spending that much money on this game this will never change.....stop spending ya waste battiez
It’s free to play it doesn’t cost anything to play
blud this game is nearly f2p as it is
i've said it before and i'll say it blizzard game players need to unite...pool their money toghether and buy out the company from activision. i'll be happy to make a kickstarter or something where you guys donate the money and buy it out...i'll be CEO and you waste manz will be the employees
This "fix" is wortheless ,how can they come with such a greedy minor improvment.They still need to atleast double de xp or reduce the amount needed for leveling blizzard ,terrible move ...again.Why not just implement something decent instead of trick players again with this attempt at redemption,ridiculous.
blad this new system is sik cuz
"Give them something without actually giving them anything".
All warfare is based on deception.
most people love the new system and mid-expansion extra cards...the mid-expansion cards will real shake things up when the meta is stale. i'm happy to spend way more money on this game that I love so much. the loudmouth minority will try and get rid of these changes but don't listen to them.
Who are you to speak for 'most people'?
Too little too late, or why do any of this at all in the first place. This feels like a bad relationship frankly, they say they’ll do one thing and then do another and then out come to apologies. This was a fine game, and it keeps getting worse with every thing they add to stir up excitement—DH, constant nerfs, reward scheme (scam), the ranked system. They cannot fix anything without adding some new paywall and a slew of broken cards that they’ll apologize for, nerf, and repeat the cycle.
I quit before and I believe I will be quitting again. I don’t want to hear apologies, I wish they would just acknowledge they are totally greedy and none of this is done for the player’s interest.
how are constant nerfs a negative thing lmao
I think DH was unnecessary and the prior reward system they had was optimal and shouldn't have changed.
However, complaining about actually balancing the game and the ranked system is retarded. I still remember the pirate warrior/aggro shaman meta of Gadgetzan that went on for months. People before my time surely remember undertaker. Actively trying to balance the game is far better, even if they aren't always hitting the mark. And the original ranked system pre rank floors was horrendous. The new system is perfectly fine. I don't understand the allure to running on the hamster wheel of ranking every month.
They’re a problem because Blizzard makes the representation they have tested new cards, and after release it’s apparent that many of them don’t work as intended. It’s part of them not being honest or forthright about development. It’s about them not doing the right thing in the first place: testing and balancing cards. The slap in the face comes when they act as if they have heard our complaints and will rectify it when people already paid good money on the promise these cards would be the ones the bought.
you might retort “But they give dust refunds” and they do, but you didn’t get to pick which cards would be refunded. And if you spent money any place else and after getting your product/game/hamburger, the person who sold it to you comes back and takes something they gave you and instead gives you what is essentially a coupon you’d likely feel like the company responsible has no clue what they are doing, other than taking your money
Edit: and then why would you support them at all?
I’m not so much renewing complaints about balance and ranked, as I am trying to point out there is a pattern of needless implementation done to shake things up. A lot of times it’s done without proper testing and balancing, and while I would rather they strive to make the game balanced and add new things, I can’t help but feel cynical when so many new things prompt apologies from them.
That’s all? We always expected seasonal rewards. They have always been part of hearthstone. The little bit of extra gold is a joke.
The issue of roping and botting because of the time based xp gain was not mentioned and players in europe not getting daily and weekly quests either.
Bait and switch. It's still not as rewarding as the old system.
Actions speak louder than words.
it's a step in the right direction, I just hope they take people's suggestions into account more and also make the later levels less of a drag. I wonder how much extra exp we'll receive during additional events though, but calculations made to see how much the new pass gets you didn't include bonus events with extra gold and packs either so it doesn't really seem like a valid excuse.