REWARDS TRACK UPDATE - Official Blizzard Statement
Blizzard just posted a lengthy update detailing their plans with the Reward track, what they communicated about badly and what is going to change. Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardWe have been listening to your feedback regarding the Rewards Track and it’s clear we missed the mark both in how we communicated and implemented the full functionality of this first version of our rewards system.
We apologize for the confusion and disappointment we have caused.
During the natural progression of the rewards cycle, our intention was, and still is, to give out extra XP over time through a variety of ways. The aim is to help players get through the Rewards Track, or catch-up if they join later in an expansion phase, ultimately ensuring players earn more rewards.
We also didn’t provide any details for how events will link into and support the rewards system. We will be providing bonus XP for various activities at each seasonal event every expansion cycle, and any additional bonus events as needed, again with the aim of ensuring that our players obtain more rewards. Our failure to communicate these factors has led to incomplete projections, for which we apologize.
In addition, you’ve provided us with a wealth of feedback, and we agree that the pack rewards at the end of the track don’t feel appropriate for the effort it takes to get them. We’re going to adjust these rewards in the later stages of the track, swapping six packs for a total of 1350 gold that players can spend as they see fit. If any players reach this milestone before we implement these changes, they will be retroactively compensated.
Our goal for the Rewards Track continues to be that all Hearthstone players earn more gold and total rewards per expansion. We’ll continue to evaluate the impact of these changes, listen to your feedback, and iterate as needed until we get it right.
We will stay true to our word and ensure that the system lives up to what we all believe Hearthstone deserves.
Thank you,
Ben Lee
Game Director
I’d expect seasonal event to take place just before the mini expansion
Whoops, they forgot to fix the problem.
So by ways of having seasonal events, could this be every month or so, we get a chain of achievements that reward Pass XP? For instance, every month they would add unique achievements that are ACCOMPLISHABLE to everyone, F2P and Paid / Wild players. But at the end of the day, I don't feel the advancement when playing normally, its just too slow.
In other words: we have no idea, what we are doing. Our whales quit the game and we have to find a way breeding new whales for the future, but not that obviously. :/
This essentially changes nothing. They didn't address any of the major issues that people had with the system, just that they now have a "wealth of feedback". Will this feedback be utilized in any meaningful way or will the community just get a golden star while Blizzard sweeps this under the rug hoping that this band-aid fix is enough.
And the major issues the people had with the system are?... Because all I saw people saying was that it gave you less gold and garbage packs. They're going to fix that. What are the other problems?
The fact that you get XP based on how many minutes of a match took place incentivizes people to rope to get more XP. Some of the quests are locked behinds modes you might not play / cards you might not have (like play 10 Old Gods) and are necessary for progression. Even with this new gold addition, you're still getting much less gold than you did with the previous system, despite needing to put in more time. Not to mention much of the gold that makes for this reduction is at the end of the pass, meaning if you don't clear your way to it, you're at a much greater loss. We still have no actual details on what these seasonal XP boosts will be like. This is all just from the top of my head too.
And all of this doesn't even take into account the greater discussion that Hearthstone, as a game is simply way too expensive. Set aside the battle pass, you still can spend 80 bucks every 3 months on a pre-purchase bundle and still feel like you're not even close to completing a set. That just feels wrong.
Man that’s gotta be the funniest sentence ever not gonna lie “You’ve provided us with a wealth of feedback” literally saying “for god sake stop roasting us so good, we get it, we pulled a Blizzard again”
Was all a PR stunt gone wrong.
Its is so easy to fix this that its laughable people get paid tens of thousands of dollars cannot come up with this shit:
Altough now, public events are not a thing but how about XP bonus for players playing fireside gatherings?
I miss you Ben Brode :(
who da fuk is that???
You miss 5 nerfs to quest rogue, early removal of two major archetype defining cards (Genn and Baku) because they were broken, absurd DK cards (which never were fixed btw), and MONTHS of delay with nerfs? Oh, and also, no buffs on cards, even when they're clearly bad designed...
Well, I guess some people really don't like this game lol.
are you sure DK cards are/were really that much of a problem...?
For some DKs, the winner was decided by the first one who drew it. Mage and Hunter's DKs were a problem. Rexxar solo carried entire games. You just had to push the button, your cards were garbage in comparison. And it was cheap, it should had costed 7 or 8 mana at least... Jaina was so OP that it carried mage, since otherwise Mage was quite weak. I don't see that as balanced. Entire classes depending of you drawing one card IN ANY SITUATION... That's not healthy at all.
Right now they aren't a problem at all. But back in the day in standard I think were one of the MANY problems the meta had. Things weren't balanced at all. The meta never remained stable and balanced, T1 decks differed A LOT with T2 decks.
Death Knights were always just a problem in Arena because of infinite value (mainly the mage one). Most of them are not even played in wild anymore.
The only DK that sees regular play is Anduin (Obviously). Druid DK is seen in some decks but not all. Reno Mage doesn't even run theirs anymore because they have an OTK so there is no point to run it.