REWARDS TRACK UPDATE - Official Blizzard Statement
Blizzard just posted a lengthy update detailing their plans with the Reward track, what they communicated about badly and what is going to change. Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardWe have been listening to your feedback regarding the Rewards Track and it’s clear we missed the mark both in how we communicated and implemented the full functionality of this first version of our rewards system.
We apologize for the confusion and disappointment we have caused.
During the natural progression of the rewards cycle, our intention was, and still is, to give out extra XP over time through a variety of ways. The aim is to help players get through the Rewards Track, or catch-up if they join later in an expansion phase, ultimately ensuring players earn more rewards.
We also didn’t provide any details for how events will link into and support the rewards system. We will be providing bonus XP for various activities at each seasonal event every expansion cycle, and any additional bonus events as needed, again with the aim of ensuring that our players obtain more rewards. Our failure to communicate these factors has led to incomplete projections, for which we apologize.
In addition, you’ve provided us with a wealth of feedback, and we agree that the pack rewards at the end of the track don’t feel appropriate for the effort it takes to get them. We’re going to adjust these rewards in the later stages of the track, swapping six packs for a total of 1350 gold that players can spend as they see fit. If any players reach this milestone before we implement these changes, they will be retroactively compensated.
Our goal for the Rewards Track continues to be that all Hearthstone players earn more gold and total rewards per expansion. We’ll continue to evaluate the impact of these changes, listen to your feedback, and iterate as needed until we get it right.
We will stay true to our word and ensure that the system lives up to what we all believe Hearthstone deserves.
Thank you,
Ben Lee
Game Director
Always embarrassing to see a company kowtowing to the "give free stuff NOW!!" babies.
But, I guess, if they're gonna do it, I'll take the free stuff.
Can't believe no one has noticed that you don't get any achievements or gameplay progression for playing in casual mode. It counts towards daily quest completion, but not toward gameplay progression. I played my meme Galvadon deck and buffed my minions multiple times, but got no progress or achievement complete for the "That'll Buff Right Out" gameplay progression achievement. Blizzard, is your intention to totally screw over casual players who purchased the Tavern Pass? If not, PLEASE HOTFIX IMMEDIATELY!!!!
You should post this on some Blizzard server if you want Blizzard to notice. This is independent forum.
There was no miscommunication in any of this. If I stole someone's wallet and they asked me if I stole it and I said "No", that isn't miscommunication. That's lying. Maybe return the gold for 3 wins and maybe reward gold for the completion of XP quests (outside of the reward map). Yeah, people will get a lot of gold that way, but its not like they will get the entire set even if they get 20k gold. It doesn't hurt to be extra generous with gold, especially in a game this old and this expensive.
Also many players left the game like me and now I am back because I thought the new reward system would be cool. I missed some big quests from the old reward system which included 80g quest and another for 3 packs if I recall correctly. This new reward system feels soooo bad. I can't complete quest because I haven't played this game in months, I came back to 0 gold and around 3400 dust so no packs from this expansion for me because I am free to play. Even if I am bronze 10 and try to complet quests in casual with old decks I face diamond try hards with new cards (probably net deckers who saw streamers experimenting the new decks). It just feels so bad to not be able to complete quests cuz of such players.
I don't think the old 10G/3win is the solution, but rather a bonus xp for winning (could be 20+5/turn, capped at 80xp) then reduce the xp climb/level or increase xp/game in accordance to your level (like in every other game)
pretty much the same comments as Old_Guardian after his last game on twitch on Launch and i agree, its just too obvious. People just can't handle how absurd the decisions Publishers Make. EA Activision Take-Two etc. Thinking Developers have any say under the Worst Publisher Handily. Blizzard is long gone.
How dare you have a positive attitude...that's not welcomed around here : (
I mean, the pass is mostly cosmetics and a golden legendary which we already got a legendary off as far as I know.
And we get to choose a free one with the free track, I don't think it's bad to have cosmetics be paid for if the gold and packs part are completely free.
The better question would be why isn't the Tavern pass included in the bundle. And of course the answer is very simple: the people who bought the big bundle for the Nzoth skin will most likely pay another 20 for the other skins. Why giving them for free ?
The new skins are pretty shite thou XD
Achievements is all messed up. I got achievement from DH collection even without all cards
if the aim was to ensure players to gain more xp then why can't 'the players' buy the pass via gold? why do we have to pay 20 bucks to get it.
i almost belived you Blizz. Almost.
The statement is worse than anything i could come up in my imagination. They really underestimate the average intelligence level of their consumers.
They are telling they will implement bonus events which were normally rewarding on their own and present them like they are rewarding community with extras we never would recieve otherwise. Like the free legendary incorporated into the battle pass. They will do the same for seasonal events.
I used to spend money for the game but i stopped a few expansions ago. Since it was not sustainable to have a good collection without spending a lot. Ofcourse my currency losing against dolar also didn’t help either. It was 1/2 at the start now it is 1/8 in conversion. If the game was more approachable i would still make purchases in game. The game requires like 300 dolar per year. And it is more than a month of minimum wage where i live. It is like 5 AAA titles worth of money normally. In addition regional prizing AAA titles in my country is about 30 dolars. I could get 10 “Cyberpunk 2077” like game instead of trying to be up to date in this game.
Anyway they definetely should reduce required amount of money to play this game. There are many good suggestions mentioned in hearthstone subreddit. Only thing that i would add to those suggestion is that regional prizing would also help with steady profit in regions with less valuable currencies. Steam and regional prizing killed piracy here. They could do the same. The developers of those games have a new market and steady income. Less is better than none. This also would increase total profit for Hearthstone and should reduce the stress of profit on whole playerbase.
Source pls
Yeah, need a source, because it clearly costs more than that.
Let's make the source together. How much money did you spend for this expansion alone? Let's triple that for 3 expansions and add one third of that each mini expansions in between.
You will most likely will not provide the amount you spent. So lets make a sane estimation instead.
Lets assume a bundle for each expansion = 80 $. (Neglecting the fact even mega bundle alone is not enough to have all cards probably you would want, even with the gold you can save between expansion cycle.)
Lets assume 20 $ for each mini expansion a year. Adventures used to cost around 25$ as well.
So in total 300$.
Fun fact more than 1/3 of my monthly salary as a senior engineer where i live. And more than minimum wage.
If you paid that much you'd get only like half of the cards too. Recalculate how much it costs to get all the cards each expansion.
One more fun fact.
Each year EA and 2K is bashed for yearly sports games which cost 60-70$.
Imagine them updating rosters 3 times a year and asking full price. (Fortunately they only do that yearly.)
Or making card packs requiring you to open in order to play with the updated rosters. You have to spend more to play with Stephan Curry, Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi.