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Fall Reveal Stream - New Cards!
Today is the Fall Reveal Stream and in this post, we will make sure to cover every new card revealed on the stream.
New Expansion - Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
Guess the Weight
Silas Darkmoon
Corrupt Cards
Old Gods
(click on the right image to get a bigger resolution)
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
no you use yogg whenever you can because if you wait till you're behind you may be in too bad of a spot to use it
Usually what yoggs does is : draw you tons of cards and clear the board. The more spells are on the yogg count the more there is probability that this happens.
Playing yogg when you are ahead in board control and value (you have more cards in hand or way to draw cards..) it s real sonsense and stupid as it will problably fuck up both your board and hand.
That’s a really tall order though. First you need to play a control DH archetype which hasn’t seen much success, and then you need to play 10 spells, and only have 5% chance of winning. That’s really a lot to ask for.
Uhhh. Soul DH is currently 3rd highest winrate and their top builds are around 59-60%.
The most common build has a total of 15-17 spells depending on what Wandmaker generates. With Blur that becomes 17-19.
Anyway, the point isn't how often it happens or how good it is. The point is how it feels to play against it. Quest Rogue had like a 47% winrate when it got nerfed because it isn't fun to just have your face beat in with no possible counterplay even if it doesn't happen most of the time.
Of course, playing Yogg in that deck is very much viable, but I was saying relying on Blurr into Yogg into ROR is not.
are the solar and lunar eclipse collectable cards or cards generated by through the druids legendary?
The end is near.
What if yogg dies during the pyros/spells storm?
It might be the first nerf they might do, it may affect the esport
It casts until one player dies. So it won't matter.
They did it, they finally made a card referencing the Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Even the cave in the background looks just like it did in the film.
Good to see the old gods back (or in this case, new gods?)
LOL I think they past that point already bro. LOL Probably years ago actually. LOL Sad but true. But man is Duels fun!!
After 6 years they actually fucking did it, Rod of Roasting as a playable card. Aka "Battlecry: Flip a coin, heads you win the game, tails you lose".
If that shit ever sees play in a tournament Hearthstone loses any credibility it has left as an E-sport.
Yogg was literally this and already saw comp play.
True, and that was a shitty time to watch Hearthstone tournaments. The main reason Yogg eventually got nerfed was because pro players kept saying how fed up they were with him deciding games and Blizzard's refusal to just ban him in pro play.
We live in a society
if i go and say eye of me that means i am ripping of Sauron from lord of the rings ? iam a huge lord of the rings fan and i make content for it but gotta admit your taking it too far or your just dumb , how is that a lotr rip off ? like what ?
Token Druid Hybrid (with an established board): Lightning Bloom + Solar Eclipse + Survival of the Fittest
All Gas No Gnash
Good thought but unfortunately you can only have 10 mana at most at a time instead of 12.