This week's brawl is Top 3!
Let's mix it up a bit shall we? Pick three cards and we'll make you a deck with ten copies of each card.
A Classic Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
In over 100 games, I have not seen a single Edwin build, and I think that is for a reason. Mostly because no, Druid very often summon 6x 55 going first on turn one, and then it is too late. There is also the Naturalize build.
That being said, I also tried the Flik build, and it is not quite consistant enough either. I often found myself digging for enough coins without getting them, and Secret Passage takes so long to get you cards!
The only reliable counter to Druid seems to be warlock.
Naturalize Druid beats Flikk too.
I really enjoy this one, I enjoyed it when it was before. I tried a few decks I had, some new, sifted through most classes, grinded some gold, all good.
But ! It'd really be better if bloom took a ban. Yeah, you can craft giants and knowledge and grind 700g, but that's not the point. Bloom banned here would do wonders for the "meta". This isn't salt, it's a suggestion for the future brawls, because I still DO hope this one would return.
P.S. Raza taking a ban on the HP brawl would've been good as well, iI'm not against Raza, I'm pro the game feel.
So, Embiggen+Patches the Pirate is completely broken in this brawl. There is a number of options for the 3rd cards, and they have different strengths and weaknesses:
Naturalize, Southsea Deckhand Mark of the Lotus and Stonetusk Boar.
All other decks seem like worse versions of this, and I have not seen a Pogo-Hopper, Snowfury Giant nor Edwin VanCleef deck in ages.
Fortunately, there are counters to the Embiggen druids, but they do not always win:
Flik Skyshiv rogue decks along with Counterfeit Coin and Secret Passage can clean out any minions. The other option, which I have tried the most is Patches the Pirate with Plague of Flames, with a value generating spell as the 3rd card to beat the rogues. Explodinator is also good, and usually wins the Warlock mirror. I am not sure which one beats the druids more consistantly, but the mulligan and who goes first is extremely important.
Some times, there is fortunately an actual game being played, and that is Twisted Knowledge, Sinister Deal or Demonic Studies are up against whichever 3rd card the druid is running after the first 2 waves are cleared.
Flik Skyshiv helps against Patches (mostly instant concede)
Also helps against embiggen Druid and the Shaman deck with Snowfury Giant.
Sorcerer's Apprentice Evocation Ray of Frost
This is fun, and not so bad. Managed to win some games against Edwin Rogue and Giant Shaman by freezing their board, then you just drop as many apprentice as possible and pray for the rng god.
I think i'll pass xD
Tunnel Trogg, Bloom, Ancestral knowledge. Not the best but the fastest !
1) Coin/Trogg/Trogg
2) AK,Bloom,AK,Bloom,AK,Bloom.... and lethal
(best case scenario, but happens every 3-4 games)
Scrapyard Colossus
Lightning Bloom
It is not always a winner due to the fast decks, but when it works, it is SO much fun!!
This brawl is so broken and degenerate...that I can't help but love it.
mirror image, incanter's flow, and research project. ftw
This has been my favorite setup so far!!
Replace Flik with Edwin. Flik counters minion based decks... decently, but it doesn't work against decks that generate cards, nor against spell strategies like Mill Mage etc. Meanwhile with Edwin you can easily summon a 20/20 on turn 1 (could go higher but you tend to run out of time), and you can sometimes even summon two, which means your opponent is just dead on turn 2, before they can even play a single Ice Block.
Basically, instead of spending 6 mana on a 4/4, why not spend 6 mana on a 16/16 and an 18/18 instead, and just kill your opponent. ^^
Not really, it is all druid at this point, and you NEED Flik to beat them.
Really, really not true. On turn 1, if you're going first, Flik is useless, while you can summon a lethal board with Edwin. Meaning you literally win guaranteed if you go first and manage to summon two Edwins, which isn't too hard. You can also win going second if the opponent only gets one Embiggen on turn 1, because their board isn't enough to lethal you, while yours is, or if you went first but only summoned a single Edwin and they only got one Embiggen.
On the other hand, you always have to wait and try to answer the opponent's play if you're running a Flik deck, and if you don't generate enough coins to play Flik, you are guaranteed to lose, even if the opponent only got a single Embiggen.
Flik also just loses to any deck that doesn't rely on a single minion like Edwin or Patches, because you only have a 4/4 as your only minion, and you often can't even play two before turn 4, because you used up at least 8 or so coins on turn 1.
And lastly, the mirror match. The mind-numbing, boring mirror match. Flik mirrors are just a literal coinflip. The one who goes first wins 100% of the time, because whoever plays a Flik loses to the opponent Fliking their Flik, so no one wants to play one, meaning the person going first wins in fatigue.
Edwin is almost as good as Flik against patches, and much better against almost everything else.
Mind Render Illucia, Wisp and Apaty. Super fun when the opponent plays another illucia and lose his deck hahaha
They... don't lose their deck? If they play another Illucia, the deck switches back from your Illucia, then it switches back from theirs. Meaning both players end up with their original decks.
I'm also not sure how that's supposed to win against the Patches list, they summon a full board on turn 1, even if you play the Apathy and make them 1/1s, you still just die to the 7 damage a turn on the turn you play your Illucia.
if you play against a Snowfury Giant schaman und plays out your Flik Skyshiv, thats the greatest!
Evolve, devolve, desert hare. Devolve those patches to be wisps.
Saw one giant deck, just absurd, but hell, you have it, go for it.