Scholomance Academy Meta Decks - Pros Edition
A few days into the expansion we rounded up the best Scholomance Academy decks we could find. Played by pros on high ladder rankings, with a positive winrate. We included every class, with some classes multiple variants.
Monday Update: Added several decks to the list!
There weren't many players playing DH, but XiaoT played this list to rank 1 on an 8-1 run. Like it is for many aggro lists Voracious Reader is a huge new addition.
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Many things have been said and written about Druid since the expansion launched, and not all of it was kind. Opinions seem all over the place about how good Druid is, with many claiming that Druid should be nerfed, while others, including several Grandmasters, have said the Druid hype is overblown and that it can be beat with several decks. You be the judge for yourself, with these lists we found, including an unusual list by Grandmaster Viper, which is actually a combo deck in disguise:
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Monday Update: Orange posted his version of Malygos Druid, which he professed felt better than the Survival of the Fittest-builds.
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Maur1_HS had a lot of success on ladder with Secret Hunter, getting as high as Rank 25. He went 39-24 overall and 16-6 against Druids. He gloated about how good it felt to have both Freezing Trap and Pressure Plate up while playing them.
Minion (15)
Ability (13) | Weapon (2) |
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Monday Update: Viper posted an Aggro oriented Highlander Hunter, which he went 13-5 with.
Minion (21)
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There's some variations of Mage going around, and we present 2 of them for you here. First an Exodia Freeze Mage masterminded by Hunterace and then a Tempo Mage deck piloted to rank 10 by PizzaTCG.
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Minion (17)
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Monday Update: This new Mage Deck archetype has the pros falling over themselves. Grandmaster BoarControl recommended it, Canadian GM Eddie and EggowaffleHS said their brains were melting. It is apparently hard to play and in need of refinement, but it also apparently destroys Druids.
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Former Grandmaster Fenomeno tweeted the following Paladin list, which he got from XiaoT. His record with it was 17-7 (8-3 against Druid!) and he hit Rank 63 at the peak. The same list was also part of the line up used by HawkeyeHS in a Cup win to qualify for Masters Tour Madrid.
Minion (18)
Ability (12) |
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Priest is kind of all over the map these first few days, but there's no doubt the class has potential. We have for you two different takes on a Galakrond Priest deck, and a Highlander Galakrond deck. 2 of them were part of a line up that won a Qualifying Cup for Madrid.
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Monday Update: Zyrios took this deck to Rank 1 EU!
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If you have little resources in Hearthstone or like Rogue (or both!), we have a treat for you. MeatiHS made a 2600 total dust cost Aggro Rogue, which he piloted to Rank 3 on ladder and of which Grandmaster Zalae said "8-2 to legend, Easiest/Fastest climb of my life. 10/10 Would recommend." Now that is a ringing endorsement.
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KranichHS played this Shaman deck with a lot of success. He played the deck all day and never went below 50% winrate.
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America's latest Grandmaster NoHandsGamer, who popularized Pain Warrior last expansion, is back this time with a similar theme: Pain Warlock. The deck description has the video of him playing the deck and you can do nutty things with it.
Minion (21)
Ability (9)
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Several Warrior lists were spotted during the course of the last few days, we feature NAGON's Big Warrior list, which had some success against Druids, and a Pain Warrior list that is much the same as last expansion's except for the addition of Shield of Honor, which Paradox used to help win one of the Qualifying Cups for Madrid.
Minion (8) |
Ability (19)
Weapon (3) |
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Minion (19)
Ability (8)
Weapon (3)
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Monday Update: MeatiHS posted an Highlander-ish Galakrond Warrior deck, which he went 8-5 with in top 25 Legend. You outlast Druids, Aggro is a free win and Galakrond chip damage makes Gala Priest/Rogue match ups very winnable.
Minion (17) |
Ability (10)
Weapon (2)
Playable Hero (1) |
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So many new interesting cards and so few interesting decks? WTF? Ultra-boring shit
Think it's boring reading it? Play on ladder, it's 2 decks 70%+ of the matches.