Open Packs at Home at Your Own Pre-Release Fireside Gathering!
Opening your packs is one of the most joyous things in Hearthstone. Starting at 10am PT/ 1pm ET/ 19:00 CEST/ 18:00 BST on Friday the 31st of July and running until Monday the 3rd of August at those same times, you can open all your preorder packs ahead of release day through hosting a 1 person Fireside Gathering! Setting it up is easy, but be aware, there needs to be at least 1 hour between signing up and actual start time. So if you want to open packs immediately at kickoff time today, plan ahead!
Read all further details about it below.
Quote from BlizzardIn light of the ongoing global health risks associated with in-person gatherings, we’ve canceled official Fireside Gatherings for the near future and disabled the ability to create public events.
We do, however, want individuals at home to have an opportunity to partake in the upcoming Pre-Release weekend, so we’ll be keeping private event functionality intact. Players can register their own one-person event to enjoy opening Scholomance Academy card packs from July 31 – August 3.
Thank you all, innkeepers and patrons, for understanding.
Private Fireside Gatherings will:
- Be eligible to receive Nemsy Necrofizzle if they fulfill all hosting prerequisites. This means having an established Tavern - Learn more about how to establish your tavern here.
- Be eligible for the Fireside Gatherings card back.
- Allow event listing creation the same day it is meant to be hosted.
- Have the same Fireside Brawls as public Fireside Gatherings.
- Be visible on the website only to the innkeeper hosting it. The Fireside Gathering itself will be visible in the game client, and participants will be able to search and find it in the client as well.
Private Fireside Gatherings will NOT:
- Be visible on Tavern or upcoming event pages.
- Show up if anyone tries to search for it on the upcoming events page.
- Count towards any Tavern or Innkeeper progression. They will not count towards establishing your Tavern. You will still need to host public events in the future with at least 3 check-ins in order to establish your Tavern.
It’s nearly time to begin your pursuits of academic excellence! A private pre-release Fireside Gathering will give you a chance to bust open Scholomance Academy card packs before the expansion officially launches on August 6! Private pre-release Fireside Gatherings will take place the weekend before Scholomance Academy goes live, July 31 at 10:00 a.m. PT – August 3 at 10:00 a.m. PT. Visit the card library to check out the card reveal calendar and which cards have already been announced, and tune in for the final card reveal livestream on July 29 at 10:00 a.m. PT over at and!!
Head over to to register your one-person event!
It's really awesome you can open the cards early.
It sucks more that there's nobody to play them with, or buy more packs from gold.
Normal packs 139
Golden packs 5
Epic 31
Golden Epic +4
Legendary 6
Golden Legendary +2
Dual classed observed, and we still get +2 golden legendaries and 1 regular legendary a the launch? Say whaaaaaat.|
8 Legendary in 85 packs Two were Golden
8 Legendary in a 50 pack bundle 1 was Golden
So 16 Legendary
I am a happy camper!
I have been accused of having insane luck in card openings in card games but I think this is a record for me.
Whaaaaat, are you sure you are not counting dual class legendaries twice?
Now that I think of it, since golden packs have separate pity timer and the rule says that you get a guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs, does that mean that those 5 packs give us 50% chance for a golden leg? If that's the case than it's kinda even more depressing not getting one.
Golden legendary have a much less frequent drop rate.
Golden legendary does not have a gaurantee of opening them in the first 10 packs of a set.
In regular packs - yes, but I'm talking about golden packs.
Big bundle contains 5 golden packs where all cards are golden, as far as I know golden packs have seperate pity timer and every new pity timers starts from -10 (so we get the first legendary in 10 or less packs with 100% probability).
If we'd gotten 10 packs we would've opened a legendary with 100% probability, but since we only got 5 packs probability was halved too, or am I'm counting wrong?
It depends. I’m not sure if the golden packs are a pack type of their own or if they are of the same pack type with an ‘all cards golden’ flag set.
There were quite a few golden standard packs by now - I think at least ten - but unfortunately I can’t recall if I got a golden legendary from them.
To be safe, open those packs first!
Normal packs 139
Golden packs 5
Epic - 22 (25included golden)
Golden Epic - 3
Legendary - 5
Golden Legendary - 0
I little bit disappointed :(
Remember you will get +3 legendaries: a regular one from the launch event and one golen one for each budle. ;D You gonna degree in Scholomance university just fine.
quick question: is there a guarantee the legendaries we get from the bundles are going to be different from ones we already own?
My Totals
For 55 Packs
Golden Common - 4
Rare - 63
Golden Rare - 8
Epic - 10
Golden Epic - 0
Legendary - 2 (#5,#30,#55)
Golden Legendary - 0
any ideas to why, a friend of mine can see the tavern she made with a tablet, but not PC? I myself had no problems seeing it with my PC, PC location was tried both on and off. We had this problem last launch too. its not the end of the world, just curious to if anyone else has the issue too
You need to open your friends list and look at you name. The Fireside option should be there.
theres nothing there when loggin in on PC. but there is when connecting with tablet.
If you are using Windows 10, you need to go to the Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and turn them on. This allows Hearthstone desktop app to find the location you're using it in. :)
Got 5 legendaries from 85 packs one golden, from the golden packs only got one epic and two rares in one pack pretty good, I think.