New Neutral Legendary Weapon Revealed - Sphere of Sapience
Playhearthstone via promotional email just revealed a new Scholomance Academy Neutral Legendary Weapon: Sphere of Sapience
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omg really. pathetic man. See what I did there ?
Very strong card. Now a lot other cards which are actually working only while you have weapon, can be used with this card. As well it has interesting effect. It is not putting Elyssana on the bottom, but as well skip bad draw.
Neutral weapon huh. Weird. Decent effect.
I feel like a lot of decks are gonna run this. Probably every highlander deck
agree, it doesnt matter when you draw this as long as its not at the bottom of your deck. scry effects are extremely powerful in card games. drawing well is what makes or breaks your deck (although in hearthstone there is a lot of rng outside of your control, card generation in particular which can just wreck you anyway if you highroll and its also the main factor of people loving or hating on this game)
That’s the perfect Priest 1 Drop i ever wanted.
Golden One Day1
Corsair Cache + Playmaker + Doctor Krastinov
Clairvoyant Warrior be like
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Sorry Chef Nomi, you’re the LAST card I want.
Finally i can say stop to Aluneth
Couldn't you do that before? Thanks to Blingtron 3000
Blington isn’t exactly reliable. This is one sided and costs just 1 mana and has a great upside when looking for top decks after Aluneth gets you closer to the end of the deck.
Except the proc triggers before you draw the card, as such, you will not know what is on top, you will only help prevent drawing some cards.
Oh no! You're right.
That makes it so much less interesting....
Closest thing to a MTG artifact. Scry is really interesting.
Aggro and face decks can't skip your first turn and resource in a bad tempo card.
That is said is an excelent addition to midrange, control and combo decks.
Good to see that Mischief Maker is finally getting some support!
(Utgarde Grapplesniper and Tentacled Menace too.)
Add in Sightless Watcher and the new Lorekeeper Polkelt, and a deck's starting to come together.
Archivist Elysiana is a good card to put on the bottom.
Its Scry time boiz
"Boiz"? Do we really need to make this an even more male-dominated culture?