New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Headmaster Kel'Thuzad
Amazing LP just revealed a new Scholomance Academy Neutral Legendary card: Headmaster Kel'Thuzad
There was another card revealed along with this card - Combustion
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Yea, Mass Hysteria shouldn't trigger it because its effect uses minion targeting itself to do the work, similar to what Dane explains here (if it worked like a regular spell, Noggen wouldn't be able to change targets):
I hope Headmaster Kel’thuzad made the class that teaches people how Spellburst works a require course.
Will be likely played with Plague of Flames
Destroy the thing with spellburst before it can spellburst, ok then. Kappa.
this is either gonna be bonkers nuts and played everywhere or terrible and useless
i honestly can't tell, spellburst is weird
Spellburst is an ‘after a spell is played’ effect since the recasts of defile are part of the original ‘played’ spell and other after spell is played’ effects happen after all ticks of defile, I would expect Spellburst to also happen after all ticks. Deathrattles are different because they happen during the spell and can interrupt multiple step spell.
this is not gonna see play unless in a control deck that can afford a luxurious swing turn
Lol make this card imune with deathspeaker. Play a leper gnome and play defile.
After spellbursts is used its gone, just like divine shield
its the same spell isnt it? tbh i dont fully understand the spellburst yet.
after killing one Leper Gnome Spell burst is used and no second Leper Gnome
The spell would resolve before the card text, there's no precedent for two effects happening simultaneously like that. My understanding would be you'd be left with a leper gnome and a 2/2 deathspeaker having dealt 2 damage.
Spellburst only goes off once after a spell is cast. There is two scenarios here that I see.
1. Defile goes off killing the gnome. The spellburst goes off and summons another gnome, then the defile ticks again, killing the gnome a second time and triggering a third tick of defile, but not spellburst again as it has already done it’s one off thing. And the sequence ends.
2. Defile goes off kills the gnome activating a second tick. And then spellburst goes off after the second tick giving you a gnome (plus anything else that died)
I’m inclined to say number 2, because spellburst should work similar to other “after a spell is played” effects with defile. Defile only causes 1 trigger after all ticks because the recasting is part of the original spell so it acts as one batch. And the recasts don’t count as the player casting/playing them.
Either way not the most useful combo.
Reveal video is so good.
Why there's no Youtube link in this article?
Hogwarts and Warcraft clash on this video
And Yu Gi Oh?
I played a lot of yu gi oh in the past...but didn't find a reference from yu gi oh on trailer.
Can u point some to me, I'm curious now xD
The Hogwarts reference is everywhere , including Kel'tu Albus Dumbledore.
OH! And Disney, the last scene with the castle on background wtf! Full Disney!
I wonder what the exact order is going to be. Either way, this card is going to be either good or great fun!
Wouldn't be so sure about that, look at how death rattles work with defile, defile is not one spell being cast its multiple spells being recast one after another with board being updated and effects triggered in between
Unless it hasn't been confirmed i won't be surprised if spellburst will activate after first defile
Headmaster Kel'Thuzad + Mass Hysteria
If I'm right it will summon all minions that die attacking. All minions remain to 0 until Mass Hysteria finish(that includes him, spellburst won't stop) so, theoretical, you should get all enemy's minions(maybe even him).
I think it depends if Kel'Thuzad will summon the minions after they die or after the spell finish.