The Golden Classic Bundle - Containing 6 Golden Classic Packs


EDIT: Added Clarification Tweet!

The Golden Classic Bundle - Containing 6 Golden Classic Packs

Blizzard just released a new Golden Classic Bundle. According to a tweet by Celestalon these packs do NOT have a pity timer, correcting an earlier tweet that they did have one.


  • Contains 6 Golden Classic card packs.
  • Can only be redeemed once per account.
  • Available through May 26, 2020.
  • Can be bought in-game or on the store for $15/15€.

Quote from Celestalon

Update: I was wrong, apologies. Golden packs are so rare, with no expectation to get enough of them to hit any pity timers, that we made them completely independent rolls, every time.

Quote from Blizzard

Level up the shine and shimmer of your Collection with the new Golden Classic Bundle, containing 6 Classic card packs filled with golden cards!




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