April Ranked Ladder Changes - All the Details!

April Ranked Ladder Changes - All the Details!

With the announcement of the upcoming Year of the Phoenix, Blizzard unveiled their plans to release a massive reworking of the current Ranked Play system. Throughout the last year they've been working toward a system that would provide a fairer matchmaking and improve rewards for new and veteran players alike. We've gathered all the useful information below so you know what to expect when you begin tomorrow's climb to Legend!

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New League System

The biggest change implements a new "League" System which will take the place of the tradition Ladder System we're used to. This will include five Leagues each containing 10 ranks -- for a total of 50 ranks prior to reaching legend.

  • 5 Leagues - Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond.
  • Each League will be made up of 10 ranks.
  • Rank floors will still exist -- at ranks 10 and 5 of each League.
  • At Season's end all players will return to Bronze rank 10.
  • Matchups will now be based on player's Matchmaking Rating (MMR).
  • New players will have their own League with ranks 40-1.
  • Atop the Leagues is the Legend rank, which will work the same as it had previously.

Star Bonuses

Each rank requires a player to earn three stars -- or wins -- to progress to the next. Win streaks are still in effect, and a new addition to the system is "Star Bonuses". In order to transition from the current system to the new one, players will be given a Star Bonus based on their Ranked finish for the month of March.

  • Each rank, from Bronze 10 to Diamond 1, consists of 3 stars.
  • Players are given a Star Bonus based on the previous month's finish.
  • For example: a Star Bonus of 5x grants a player five stars for each win instead of one.
  • Bonuses remain for Win Streaks. Meaning a player with a 5x bonus could earn 10 stars per win while on a streak.
  • Losing does not effect a player's Star Bonus.
  • Star Bonuses will be reduced by one for every Ranked Floor a player passes.
  • The maximum Star Bonus is 11x, for a player reaching Legend the previous month.

New Ranked Rewards

The season reward system has also been completely reworked. Your reward chest at the end of the season will now contain card packs from the most recent expansion, Rare cards, or even an Epic card based on your final ranking. In addition, players will now be given the Season's card back immediately upon reaching five ranked wins. A set of rewards is also in place for the first time a player reaches each Ranked Floor -- including a Legendary card for a player's first trip to Legend! These rewards are not retroactive; meaning each player will receive them for each Rank Floor once the new system is live.

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With all the changes to Hearthstone's ladder experience, we're in for some exciting times to come. If you're looking for decks for the upcoming Season, we've compiled a list of competitive Meta decks you can find here. Alternatively, feel free to search for decks to begin your Legend climb with our Deck Search function here.

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