Theorycrafting Livestreams - Thursday March 26th
Blizzard has announced that the Theorycrafting Livestreams that were absent for Descent of Dragons will make a return this expansion. Streams will begin at 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 17:00 CET/ 16:00 GMT on a variety of channels.
Quote from BlizzardWatch your favorite streamers lead the charge against the Rusted Legion as they get an early look at #AshesOfOutland on March 26!
I don't think anyone dislikes watching it, it's the timing of it that's awful. The meta gets solved really quickly if 16 really smart people get to sit down and work on decks live against each other.
purple zalae and firebat hope to see them together
Supporting net decks, disgusting.
I dont like this kind of things, i prefer go and experiment by myself instead of net deck day one. I know why they do this, but for me it just kills the feeling of the day 1 new content.
Terrible news.
worse than corona news
Thanks, I hate it.
I miss the Day 1 feeling we had back in the day. Nobody knew what could work. Everyone was experimenting. Fun times. Nowadays it's just super competitive from day 1.
i said exactly the same
Even though I started playing in beta, the launch I best remember is when Un'Goro launched, no one had any idea what was going on and the rotation made the game extremely fresh and fun again. Quests were insanely fun (except Rogue, ick), there were cheap viable aggro decks again for the first time in a long while, and tons of experimentation occurred with cards like Finja that everyone thought was terrible. It felt like a renaissance for the game, and I feel like streams like this take all that fun and hand it over to streamers who already play a ton of Hearthstone anyways. Now, as soon as the expansion launches, tons of older players like me will be coming back to decently full collections of older cards due to the free deck and Hall of Fame, everyone else will be able to just netdeck their way through the new rank system to get lots of packs and dust, and all of the fun experimentation will be next to impossible versus already solved decks and whatever the most popular aggro flavor is (seems like it's Dragon Hunter right now, but I haven't played the game in months so don't quote me on that).
I play games to be competitive
I dont care I just wanna see Lt. Eddy lose to Cooper live
It's been fun watching him grow from a free to play player to someone big enough to be in a theorycraft stream.
Wish Blizzard would update settings to be saved. When I choose low graphics, boards Journey, Black Mountain and Gadgetzan still start with high graphics and it starts to warm up my macbook a lot. I have to manually tune it down every single match I see those boards.
sux that asmo isn't in this.
Why's everyone hating? I'm looking forward to this.
I would prefer for it to be e.g. on the day of the launch or the following days, so everyone could try it at the same time.
I thought the community hated this, does Blizzard even listen to anything? Paladin and now this...
It's weird. With SoU people blasted the Theorycraft streams as having ruined the fun and for being responsible that people largely had the decks figured out early, but then DoD didn;t have any theorycrafting streams and people were coming out saying they had missed them and why there hadn't been any.
So I guess Blizz is just receiving mixed signals about this and decided that with a new class that it might be a good idea to get people to see possibilities early.
Prefer to go in blind(folded) for DH play. Seems ashame to spoil the fun.