New Demon Hunter Card Revealed - Inner Demon
PlayHearthstone on Youtube just revealed a new Demon Hunter card from the Demon Hunter Basic set: Inner Demon
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Just get doomhammer with Zephrys.
Useless. Warrior has 4 attack for 2 mana
Maybe not. A six card combo for 23 damage that can't be stopped isn't a joke though. Especially not when you consider the sheer amount of card draw (possibly even mana reductions with Skull of Gul'dan) DH has access to. I don't think it's as hard as it sounds to go over 30 damage in a turn. If weapon removal isn't in the meta, maybe you even Zephrys to find a doomhammer and suddenly you can go over 40 damage in a turn.
the ultimate chad move
Love it. Sure, it's just a slightly-cheaper Pyroblast that, absent synergies, is slightly weaker, but it's got such character.
A 10 mana 4 card combo to do 13 damage is not even meme worthy status.
Kael'thas, Twin Slice, Second Slice, Inner Demon (twice?), and also kayn. 13 or 23 damage unblockable by taunt.
Pyroblast but can stopped by a taunt
highlander face demon hunter, turn 7 Zephrys the Great --> Doomhammer, turn 8 thisedit: oops, forgot overload LUL
23 unblockable if you wait til turn 10 and play it with Kayn. I imagine people are underestimating this card.
Wondering if those cards actually could make it in with all those busted cards fighting over a Spot in your deck.
Well, they can't all be winners.
Pepople who call this busted are actually dumb
I remember correctly Doomhammer is one the cards Zephrys offers by deafult in 5 mana spot? Well... yeah...
Pyroblast for Demon Hunter
I think someone forgot to add insane taunts to neutral... oh wait he goes past taunts anyway... HOW DO YOU EVEN PLAY VS HIM?!
For the kind of people that going face with a Gorehowl