Hearthstone 2020 Showcase - Livestream!
The day has finally arrived! Time for the Hearthstone 2020 showcase Livestream event.
Today we should learn about everything that the many streamers and content creators have been hyped about since last month, which Frodan said on twitter would "cement Hearthstone for the next decade".
The event will go live at 9am PT/12pm ET/17:00 CET/16:00 GMT!
Reveal Stream Summary
- A mysterious symbol has appeared with the countdown. Kind of looks like...a firey bird? We are going to find out soon!
- The new Year: The Year of the Phoenix!
- Duplicate protection across rarities! Meaning no more duplicates until you have every card at least 2x in any rarity! Including common and rare and epic!
- New Game modes! Blizzard would love to hear what you would like to see, but they have big plans!
- Free PvE content! More Battlegrounds updates!
- Ranked ladder upgrades!
- A new way to play in Expansion 2!
- Achievement system with Expansion 3! OMG
The 10th Class: Demon Hunter!
- Click here to see our full Demon Hunter class breakdown!
- Kibler joins the broadcast to start the discussion about Demon Hunter!
- Why DH? They have talked about doing a new class for a few years and now is the time.
- What is Demon Hunter's identity? Aggressive, brutal.
- How do you turn that into a class? Starts with their Hero Power: Demon Claws: +1 Attack, it costs 1 mana!
- DH has spells and weapons and cards that allow DH to attack.
- Card Draw is a strength for Demon Hunter.
- There's synergy cards where you can attack, and then get benefits from attacking, like summoning minions.
- With attacking you lose health, DH will have chip healing through Lifesteal effects, but not actual heals.
- 2nd Archetype for DH, Minion swarms!
- DH doesn't buff their minions much, they use their deaths to empower themselves.
- Deal damage and Card draw through their minions dying with certain cards!
- DH have complicated relation with Demons. Demons respect power and sometimes swap allegiance.
- 3rd Archetype for Demon Hunter: BIG demons
- DH have ways to get their Demons out earlier.
- They also have control tools to live to the later stages to get their BIG demons out.
- Unique Demon Hunter Keyword: Outcast! Gain a bonus when DH play a card as their left or right most card
- DH will have an Initiate set, is a sort of catch up to make up for all the sets other classes have.
- You will play through an introduction and get the Initiate set.
- Demon Hunter and all the starter cards will be FREE!
Hall of Fame and Changes to Priest
- Click here to see all card changes coming March 26th!
- Cards being Hall of Famed: Leeroy Jenkins, Mountain Giant, Mind Control Tech, Acolyte of Pain, Spellbreaker.
- Priest getting changes!
- Blizzard class identity for Priest didn't align with the cards.
- Priest cards being Hall of Famed:
- No more spell Face damage for Priest in the future.
- 6 new cards for Priest basic and classic set.
- Help to add basic Priest control tools and support archetypes Blizz wants to support.
- 7 more cards changed and usually buffed to support the envisioned archetypes.
- How does Priest win games? Each expansion will have a slightly different option, but they have tools now.
Ladder Updates
- New ranked ranges: Bronze through Diamond, with Legend on top.
- Every season reset to Bronze 10.
- Get star bonus to make leveling back to your previous rank faster!
- Every rank will have 3 stars.
- Bonus works with win streak for double bonus!
- More and better rewards!
- Get card packs and rares and epics from the end of month chest!
- First time rewards. First time reaching certain goals will get you immediate rewards, including getting a legendary for hitting Legend rank the first time!
- New system will match people based on matchmaking rating (MMR).
- Fewer unfair matches.
Catch up mechanics for returning players!
- Returning players will play through an introduction with Illidan, as a Mage, where you get back up to speed with what's going on in Hearthstone.
- Once completed you get a FREE DECK, totally yours, of the class of your choice.
New Expansion: Ashes of Outland
- See our Ashes of Outland expansion overview and card list here!
- Imprisoned Demons! Dormant for 2 turns, then awesome effects!
- Primes: Powerful characters, who get shuffled back into your deck on death and come back with upgrades.
- Kael'thas Sunstrider!
- Imprisoned Demons can't be interacted with until they wake up, but both players can plan for it.
- New threat on Outland: Rusted Legion!
- Nostalgia cards, like Bulwark of Azzinoth!
- Kael'thas is coming to Hearthstone TODAY for FREE. Log in right now to claim!
- Prepurchase live today
- Priest Update and Hall of Fame: March 26th
- Ranked Play Overhaul: April 1st (probably not a joke :p )
- Demon Hunter prologue: April 2nd
- Ashes of Outland expansion release: April 7th!
This is long overdue but so far this looks great!
Hall of fame card, finally Leroy goes to rest. Loved the card but got so tired to see it so often after 5 years.
Ranked change, awesome.
Achievmenents incoming?? Wait what :D freaking great!!
New class!! DUDE!!
And all this coming pretty soon :) I am happy
EDIT: OH and duplicate protection!!! Thats the biggest news! A very huge change to HS economy, again long overdue but still awesome!
Why did Blizzard record 46 minutes of "garbage" prior to the stream start on their Twitch? Was that countdown timer relevant to those watching the stream after? Every streamer is capable of doing video editing, yet Blizzard is not?
So, Kael'thas Sunstrider, is that every 3rd only or the 6th and 9th and the 12th ... as well ?
every 3rd, like it says, so in each turn 3rd, 6th, 9th and so on is free
I still want the Tournament Mode which they were working on like two years ago. :(
You know that the DH vs Rogue match was staged cause the rogue's board wasn't covered in lackies.
I wonder what are Battleground Perks. And as I see we get another battle pass just like every single game nowadays...
I kept saying they'd find a way to monetize it. Not sure if glad I was right though.
yogg-saron effect doesnt stop anymore if he dies?
so much free stuff and better rewards ..hope its not getting too easy to get rare cards. thats the core of the game to get something rare. Thats what ruined WoWarcraft when suddenly you got all good items easily :/
The difference is you can't really play Hearthstone until you get the cards. The core gameplay of WoW is in an effort to acquire better gear. In WoW, getting free/easy gear removes the drive to play. The drive of Hearthstone is coming up with interesting decks and winning games with them.
I wish it would be like you said, and it is totally hoovering around rank 15 but reality looks like:
new exp! - look up the few top decks with certain power cards - playing them - complaining that you're not as successful as you thought.
Esp. Rank5 and up you only face the same hyped decks. and if everyone has access to the same cards noone would even think about creative replacements.
A lot of that is due to a streamer-driven meta. When only a handful of people have access to every card and can truly experiment with new archetypes, you're going to get stuck with 3-4 decks that actually work. Everyone having all of the cards means EVERYONE can find new things. It is the same concept as QA and bug testing games. No matter how many QA people spend hours playing the game, the second the general public has access they're pouring tens of thousands of times more "testing hours" into the game as the QA team could ever possibly have.
yea and Im saying that nobody will try new things, it would just make things more stupid. Everyone has every card that the streamer has? Oh well guess what. Right now, at least I have to come up with a nice replacement.
A little busted with Mage.
Reckless Rocketeer meta inc
I'm a little bit sad to see Shadowform go away: hero power changes were always such an interesting thing.
That said, I can't recall the last time I actually played a Shadowform deck... Early Reno, not long after TGT, I think.
Shadowform was only in the game because of World of Warcraft, not because it was really a good idea for the class in card game form.
I dunno. I think the ability for a Priest to transition from a reactive to a proactive hero power was really nice. Wasn't always effective at winning games, but it's still enjoyable for that option to be there. I like it when Warrior can do that, too, but Warrior needs it less, because there's no cap on armor like there is on health.
Alternate hero powers are something that players in this game really like. That's part of why Death Knights were so popular, and why folks enjoy HP altering quests. To be sure, the Anduin DK went to far, presenting too much burst damage, but the core premise was good, and that it's nice to give priest something more active to do.