Battlegrounds Balance Changes, No Constructed Changes Yet
Dean "IksarHS" Ayala took to Twitter this evening to let us know of some Battlegrounds changes coming soon, and others not so soon. Here's the rundown:
- Battlegrounds balance changes tentatively planned for week of 16-20th
- Tirion likely to be rotated out of Battlegrounds this week or early next week
- Unlikely to see any changes to Wild or Standard until after the next Hearthstone expansion launch
Quote from IksarHSHow is everyone liking the dragons update so far? We’re working on some balance changes for battlegrounds and tentatively plan to release during the week of the 16th-20th. Will update again as we get closer to finalizing the patch.
Discussed making constructed changes today but meta looks and feels fun. Unlikely to make any changes to wild or standard until post expansion data and sentiment rolls in.
Only exception to the aforementioned patch is Tirion. He was too honorable and is likely to meet justice (through deactivation) later this week or early next.
More heroes seems great to me, we’re slowly building the lineup :)
I dont think Tirion right now is the problem, yes hes good but Deathwing is way broken than Tirion. You just need any token minion without buffs and thats the whole build
I agree, Deathwing is such a problem that many of the other players are adding crappy deathrattles to their board just to somewhat try counter Deathwing but often its not as effective. Its pretty funny actually.
Imho soul Juggler and cobalt to T4,both are miles ahead of any other unit in T3.
nerf Deathwing HP,removing/moving ratpack to tier 3 will make beasts even weaker than they are currently.
I worry that bumping Cobalt to T4 would completely kill mechs. It's tough to have a viable build with nothing worth scaling before T4.
Soul Juggler is such a depressing card. I hope it gets removed.
What a terrible take. Enjoy your BG content.
Or just don't touch Cobalt, move Rat to T3, remove wolf, and introduce Leokk as a t2 2/4 "give other beasts +1/+1".
Mechs aren't too strong right now, nor is Rat Pack broken outside of early game Deathwing.
Tirion is fine, he doesn't need a nerf because the pool of cards increased being harder to get a minion without a tribe
Tirion just kind of limits their design space with things. Him being around means they REALLY need to be careful with their neutrals, which are usually already really good standalone cards to make up for lack of tribe.
They could bring him back with a big nerf, such as just +1hp buff to neutrals, no more 1/1 buffs.
Hope they nerf Cobalt Guardian and Rat Pack up a tier. Deathwing with Rat Pack is just way to powerful, especially so early on.
Really, they need to swap the tiers of rat pack and the spider wolf.
I guess it's just my preference but for me the meat of BGs is the back and forth between players in the late game, where players who know how to tech and organise their board once they've seen an opponents build shine, but that doesn't seem to happen so much anymore.
Hell I've hit and seen people hit over 30 damage now pretty regularly. This is especially annoying to me when RNG can determine to outcome massively if you look at just a single round in a vacuum, especially a blind round...the early cleave hit, the luck of snipes....being punished by RNG this hard by that much damage just feels bad to me. The game improves if those left in the late game actually get he chance to see what an opponent is working with and react...not just die.
Deathwing is more of a problem than Tirion.
only thoughts, what I feel seems currently powerful/annoying and what I "think" might make them better, not to say there aren't more broken cards than these or stating these are broken as fact.
Razorgore probably needs looking at, currently he just scales out of control! like playing 6 gold worth of buffs (or 3 with bran) for free and without having to give the buff slots up! maybe he could gain 1+1 for every other dragon? and then be 1+1 for every dragon on a triple ? or maybe he could do something more fun than "STATS"
Waxrider togwaggle punishes SO hard for running tokens because "dragon killing a minion" also means when every one of your 3 newly spawned 1/1 tokens runs into his a 2/4 dragon he gets 2+2 for some reason from a tier 2 minion, this guy is a better junkbot in every way, if you have dragons winmore, if your opponant has tokens OP! I think I would have his effect read "when a friendly dragon overkill's gain +2+2" otherwise leave him as is and move him to tier 5 with junkbot!
red whelp is just annoying possibly a little too good if you skip upgrading right away and get 2 of them in the first 2 turns, I don't think it should be "at the start of the game" effect, it could be like the old rag and be a "can't attack" card and then deal its damage effect when the minion would naturally take it's attack turn, giving it a chance to be countered and need to be positioned properly to avoid it just sniping all your best stuff at the start of the turn.
also deathwing could be "attacking minions have +3 attack or more likely they will just knock it down to +2 attack
Not when he can thrive for literally the entire game with 1 star cards.
I don't think Tirion is problematic anymore, though. After the Dragon patch, Neutral minions are much more scarce and he's therefore less consistent.
Why does this forum reward people for being a total dick to others. Nefarious wasn't saying anything whiny or offensive at all.
I can only speculate about the upvote/downvote behaviour of people, but my guess would be, that some people interpret the statement as an attack on Battlegrounds and its players.
When someone questions the priority or importance of the "main game" (Standard ladder proabably) under a blogpost that announces an update for Battlegrounds, some might interpret it as lamenting the circumstance that there is a scheduled update for Battlegrounds, but none for Standard. But why would someone complain about that? What's so bad about an update for Battlegrounds? Again, I can only speculate, but to me it sounds like the complaint stems from the perception that all attention is limited, which would mean that if the developers pay attention to Battlegrounds, they can't be paying attention to Standard (when in reality, there are most certainly different people working on different things).
In short, the statement comes across as follows: attention is limited, attention is given to Battlegrounds instead of Standard, thus Standard feels like an afterthought, and Battelgrounds is bad -> attack on Battlegrounds and people enjoying the mode.
It might be a bit unfair to assume this to be intention of the author. Maybe he or she was actually happy about Standard feeling like an afterthought. But that's the problem with short and controversial sounding comments. Without explaining your point, without even elaborating what your point actually is, you invite people to assume the worst of you.
Of course, this is no reason to attack someone, and be a "total dick". Why is that getting upvotes?... I don't know. Dickish behaviour seems to be en vogue these days.
I am tired of people hating on Battlegrounds. OK my delivery was a bit rough, and the post I commented on was not offensive. That does not change my point.
Standard this expansion got as much attention (if not more) as it always had. And the cycle is the same as for many years at this point.
2-3 weeks of pre expansion hype
3-4 weeks of post expansion hype
1-2 weeks of balance hype
2 months of hopeless void
If you don't like that, Battlegrounds is not the problem, cutting it is no the solution.
It's probably fair that Tirion gets removed for the time being, but a shame as most neutrals are likely to be garbage for everyone once again (tribal-themed neutrals such as Togwaggle and Juggler being exceptions). It'd be a hard hero power to balance; if they make it cost 2 then he's basically Jaraxxus with an arguably worse 'tribe'.
While there can be debates here and there about some hero powers and some cards, I think the most magnetic card for criticism is easily Cobalt. It's such a good card that I had a veeery average "protect the Cobalts" build and still beat a pretty darn good dragon build (Razorgore + Kalec), let alone the game I had where I had a pretty good murloc board (divine shield but no poisonous) and lost to double Cobalt + Holy Mackerel.
It should just be tier 4, easily. I think it's fine to keep it in the game, but putting at tier 4 means there are less copies of it, it doesn't start dominating as early, and because it comes out later it ends up getting less attack over the course of the game.