Battlegrounds Balance Changes Coming, Tirion Leaving, No Constructed Changes Yet




Battlegrounds Balance Changes, No Constructed Changes Yet

Dean "IksarHS" Ayala took to Twitter this evening to let us know of some Battlegrounds changes coming soon, and others not so soon. Here's the rundown:

  • Battlegrounds balance changes tentatively planned for week of 16-20th
  • Tirion likely to be rotated out of Battlegrounds this week or early next week
  • Unlikely to see any changes to Wild or Standard until after the next Hearthstone expansion launch

Quote from IksarHS

How is everyone liking the dragons update so far? We’re working on some balance changes for battlegrounds and tentatively plan to release during the week of the 16th-20th. Will update again as we get closer to finalizing the patch.

Discussed making constructed changes today but meta looks and feels fun. Unlikely to make any changes to wild or standard until post expansion data and sentiment rolls in.

Only exception to the aforementioned patch is Tirion. He was too honorable and is likely to meet justice (through deactivation) later this week or early next.

More heroes seems great to me, we’re slowly building the lineup :)



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