Galakrond's Awakening Promotion Email - 2 New Cards!
Blizzard just sent out a promotion email with 2 brand new cards!
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I wonder if there will be a 0 Mana legendary in this set.
Blizz does not like flukes.
I preordered just becouse of the mage cards and the one Discard Warlock card. Most cars rly aint intresting for me sadly :/
Jade is back again with that ugly Twinspell x´D
I'm wondering if you cast earthquake, does the weapon summon legendary minion first or earthquake deal 7 dmg first? It could give you a board after you clear your opponent's.
After resolving, same as Mediv.
Mana cheating beast seems promising
Well whatever - I pre-ordered this expansion xD My First Money spent in HS in last 1 year(?)
I hope we will get awesome cinematic soon.
Why does Shaman get a fourth Legendary this expansion and yet Hunter, Paladin and Druid only have 2? This seems kinda stupid. And I really wanted all the explorers to become hero cards...
because thous classes received a legendary less in the last expansion.
When the fu*k they did receive lesser legendaries ?
EVIL league keep getting the best of this year with no fair distribution of cards.
Heros, lackeys and now galakrond they even get exclusive neutral legendaries. bull shit.
So the leaked cards are not fake
Sure the Shaman weapon probably won’t be meta-defining. But don’t thInk that I won’t screw around with that paired with Hoard Pillagers for some old fashioned BS.
It’s $20 freaking dollars. Good lord, just buy a gift card lol.
Very interesting beast card!
go home atiesh you are drunk
Yes cause of all the clases shaman needed another legendary!
Don't worry, this card is complete garbage. All the legendary cards up through 6 mana are trash if they are just summoned to your side of the board, with VERY few exceptions. And beyond that the Shaman class doesn't really have much in the way of spells
And on top lots of shaman spells have overload...
But still, for control/big shaman it gives nice value... Especialy from cards like Hagatha's scheme and Earthquake. And even others spell which are played in control/big shaman are good with this one.
I really believe, this card can very much improve winrate of those atchetypes. (Like Ancharrr.)
I wonder how escaped manasaber works with sweeping strikes. Does it count as one attack or multiple attacks?
it still just attack once, so, just give 1 mana
Mega-windfury on this would be sweet however.