Descent of Dragons Balance Changes Announced - Battlegrounds Changes too!
Blizzard just announced the Balance Changes coming tomorrow, it includes some Shaman changes we have been waiting for, but also some changes to Battlegrounds! Read all about it below!
Quote from BlizzardHey everyone!
The 16.0.5 balance update for Hearthstone will be going live tomorrow. Below are the included changes, and as always, we’ll be evaluating the results of these changes over the coming weeks and look forward to your feedback!
Corrupt Elementalist
Now costs 6 Mana (up from 5).
Sludge Slurper
Now has 1 Attack (down from 2).
Faceless Corruptor
Now has 4 Attack (down from 5).
Mogu Fleshshaper
Now costs 9 Mana (up from 7).
*Once these changes are live, players will be able to disenchant the adjusted cards for their full Arcane Dust value for two weeks.
The Boogeymonster
Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4 .
Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
The Beast
Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 3 .
Coldlight Seer
Moved from Tavern Tier 2 to Tavern Tier 3 .
Primalfin Lookout (changed last week)
Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5 .
Nightmare Amalgam
Has been removed from the pool of available minions.
Brann Bronzebeard
Has been removed from the pool of available heroes.
Has been added to the pool of available heroes.
Next nerf will be in like a week?
The game is far from being balanced. When you can "go face" all the time, and still win. Then this game needs a change. To not touch Rogue or hunter is a big misstep. Is it just me that don't want all of this temposhit?
are you freaking for real?
Those decks only came about cause how insane shaman was, and dr rogue
I can agree with anchor warrior but holy cow there is a bigger problem on ladder after rank 5
I smell salty Galakrond Shaman players in the distance.
I love it.
For me I also dislike, i am casual only big whale Player with meme Decks.
And the amount of face hunters ruin the fun to play weak fun Decks.
Conceding 4 times in a row wastes 10 Minutes of my freetime
There is nothing to love. I don't play Galakrond shaman at all and those rogue/hunter face decks are a pain the ass for everyone. they are totally busted and out of control
it’s pretty fun how degenerated shaman players downvoting every single rant post
lmao indeed
Removing Amalgam seems good at first, but now going murloc is the only way to have poisonous...eek.
That's fine, honestly. Amalgam is just too good by itself due to it being able to be buffed by anything. Though this also makes menagerie decks much harder to pull off now, it also means the everpresent Mech decks don't have a random Poisonous to fuck up your 3/50 Annihilation Battlemaster!
Poisonous Beast... go back to training camp, minion.
Murlocs will be more of a risky "high roll" game plan now though. The mid game is probably going to be quite a struggle for murlocs without amalgam and early coldlight seers increasing the consistency. Amalgam was doomed from day 1. You can't a have a minion that benefits from all tribal buffs for the rest of the game modes life... It would be a nightmare to balance and limits design space. Imagine if they wanted to add dragons/pirates later on, they'd have to consider with every single tribal buff that Amalgam exists.
Dragon pack 2x 4/5, max galakrond 2x6 instead of 2x8, mutate 1 mana, corruptor 3 4, apothecary 5 mana. That's what this game still needs..
Fortunately you are not in the HS team because you would have ruined Shaman. Funny kids...
OK galakrond Shaman player.
so shaman ruins HS is better right ?
I partially aggre.
I think max galak has to summon 8/8 because all the galak double their effect (they are all very good, maybe not the warlock ones, i think they should nerf them all)
Mutate 1 mana: in that way it becomes a worse evolution. Maybe 1 overload, or maybe just nerf the minion that caused early advantage with mutate: mogu.
They will nerf mogu but, in my opinion, in the wrong way (discount 1 for each enemy minions would have been better)
Finally good nerfs :)
Blizzard didn't totally destroy shaman unlike the minorty part of the community wanted. I like slights nerfs and see how it goes.
Unfortunately they don't have a track record of following up if it's not enough or if additional nerfs are needed. Regardless of what happens from here these are probably the last nerfs of this expansion. Which is bad because more will be needed, and buffs ideally. But I don't think they've ever made two balance passes in one expansion before.
clown fiesta "buff amalgam with every buff you see" has come to an end