Blizzard just released a balance post regarding multiple classes and also one wild card
The following cards are being nerfed on August 26th:
- The mana cost of Conjurer's Calling is going up from (3) to (4).
- The mana cost of Luna's Pocket Galaxy is going up from (5) to (7).
- The mana cost of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is going up from (7) to (9).
- The mana cost of Extra Arms is going up from (2) to (3).
- The mana cost of Barnes is going up from (4) to (5).
Quote from BlizzardNow that Saviors of Uldum is live, new cards have been introduced and powerful decks have started to surface. To make for a better ladder experience for Hearthstone players in this new expansion, we’ve decided to make the following card adjustments in an update next week:
While Conjurer’s Calling is a powerful tool that’s found in a number of Mage decks, when used in decks focused around cards like Mountain Giant and Sea Giant, it was creating extremely powerful board states at a point in the game where opponents didn’t have effective answers.
Increasing the mana cost of this card will make using both copies of the Twinspell card in a single turn significantly more difficult, postponing these potentially overwhelming turns until later in the game when the Mage’s opponent has more available resources to react to the board.
Buffing cards with the Rise of the Mech event was a big change in philosophy for us. While we are happy with the overall outcome of the changes, Luna’s Pocket Galaxy has proven to be an exception.
An early Luna's Pocket Galaxy can often leave opponents feeling helpless if late-game minions were drawn in subsequent turns. This has occurred more often than we had intended, therefore we're reverting its mana cost back to its original value of 7, as was the case before the Rise of the Mech event.
We’d still like Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to be a great option for control Warrior decks looking to close out games, but right now the card gets played a bit too early. Increasing the mana cost to 9 should make it more difficult to find a good turn to play Dr. Boom, giving opponents time to make powerful plays as well.
During the Rise of the Mech event, Priest was one of the weaker classes in the game. Buffing Extra Arms gave Priest a powerful spell for the early game to enable some of their board-focused strategies.
With the release of Saviors of Uldum, Priest has access to many more powerful early game minions and has seen a large jump in both popularity and winrate. Between all of Priests buff spells and heal effects, it can be hard to fight for the board against them early in the game. Increasing the mana cost of Extra Arms back to 3 should give room for other decks to challenge them early on, while leaving the powerful Priest minions and combos untouched.
Barnes has been a hot topic in Wild format discussions for quite some time now, especially regarding how oppressive this card can feel when facing certain Priest decks.
While we’re okay with Wild having a higher power level in general, Barnes stood out as too consistently powerful early in the game. Increasing his mana cost by 1 will let opponents have an easier time reacting, but still lets Barnes retain its identity as a way to summon specific minions early in the game.
Be sure to let us know what you think of these upcoming changes on the official Hearthstone Forums. We’ll see you in the tavern!
WTF is this shit?
To be honest there are more nerfs that need to be done. This is a good start though.
Team 5 is great at good starts.
And that's the last time we will ever see a card buff.
I would like to see a new format where they can rotate in/out, buff and nerf cards frequently, weekly maybe. It could be fun
The Luna's Pocket Galaxy nerf is an overkill in my opinion....
Better buff some other cards then nerfing others back to 0,00002% playrate
These nerfs will put me swimming on dust
But I'm not sure if I'm happy with them
Specially considering how much time it took them to nerf Barnes
Finally Blizz collected enough data on Barnes to nerf him...Hopefully it's enough to make Big Priest a fringe deck.
Luna's Pocket Galaxy and Extra Arms are back to being unplayable...but that's fine. We had a few months to have fun with these cards at least instead of them never seeing the light of play.
Conjurer's Calling is just a cost correction by Blizzard. It was obviously under costed at 3.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is a pretty big nerf. Firstly...I don't think you can keep it any more in your opening hand against anything but a complete control matchup, which means you won't have it at all in as many games as before. And secondly...when you do play it you have way less mana to do anything else. Hopefully now it won't feel so bad to play against Control Warrior with a board control centric deck.
All around happy with these nerfs.
So mage nerfe back into obscurity with lazy mana nerfs while control gets a slap on the wrist? These devs really are lazy and stupid.
Conjurer’s Calling 10 normal 1 golden
Luna’s Pocket Galaxy normal
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius normal
Extra Arms 8 normal
Barnes normal
but since i thing barnes and dr.boom will still be played thats is 0 dust in the long run but still nice dust 4200 + 3200 dust but the 3200 will probly be crafted again so 4200 value dust :P
I find it really interesting how Dr. Boom, Mad Genius will probably still see play in Standard while he will now be complete garbage in Wild.
Since 3 Years i observe Hearthpwn and now i need to comment !
IM FUCKING ANGRY with these changes ! Now i can dust Boom WOW AWESOME !!! Dont downvote me !
I had alot rounds against aggro where i just could manage to win becouse i got Boom on 7 ....
my Barnes and Yshiraji Deck might be cancer but that fun is now gone too ...
The other card nerfs show me personally that they dont care and only want to manipulate like a stupid moba where no mechanic stays forever
Have you ever considered that some decks, like your "Barnes Y'shaarj" deck, might be fun for you and the opposite for the opponent?
With the release of Deathknights i got the hunter Weapon and some time later i crafted Yshiraji-
I totally get that others might find it shitty i also called it "cancer" but why cant there be a game nowadays that doesnt require patches !?
Why the fk put the Mage legendary back how it was ? Im very sure that this was planned to be an event and thats the point that annoys me- Lately alot i read here on Hearthpwn from the creators ist just bullshit. Shaman has no card value but gets that 2 Mana Murloc with Vanilla stats and crazy value. how come this card is in standart and i will have to face that with 9 mana Dr Boom !?
So yes i had alot games where barnespriest destroyed me and you can "destroy" barnes its totally fine for me but the solution to adjust the mana cost makes me mad- Without boom on 7 i would have lost over 100 Games just becouse aggro was to hard to face. In my opinion the Dr Boom nerf was VERY BADLY done.
Maybe the warrior quest just became viable...
That's with 2 mana Extra Arms to be fair, that'll drop when it's nerfed back to 3.
Barns just needs to be place next to the ET game from Atari.... They just can't get that card right
Those of us who actually played the E.T. game know it wasn't bad at all.
I know the barns nerf is making a lot of players happy but I find the barns nerf pointless.
I find Archmage Vargoth way bigger problem now then barns ever were. All what the nerf did was make the deck worse against agro and better against control if they cut the card. If they don't cut it aggro becomes worse matchup and control is almost the same.
The problem is the endless ress effect. in contrast after t6 if they play barns i become happy because it make their ress pool worse.
Best part was always shadow essence into bans ill miss those if the barns isnt good enough now.
true true, they resurrected him it basically clone him to max. 7 of him with 7 free cast ..
with 5 damage to face in hall of fame, not going to fix anything.