Blizzard has put up a new card pack bundle for sale in the store: Toki's Wild Bundle, 8 packs from each of the expansions currently in wild for a reduced price.
- Contains 8 packs from all seven expansions currently in Wild (56 packs)
- It's only available until July 1st
- Once per account
- €34.99 EUR / $34.99 USD
- This is the biggest discount on packs Blizzard has ever given!
You can buy it on the Store here
Toki is getting back to her tinkering ways and has turned back the hands of time to offer up some of Hearthstone's greatest cards! Get 56 Packs, 8 packs from each of the expansions in Wild, and prepare for a blast from the past. The clock is ticking…get Toki's Wild Bundle now before it disappears!Back to the Wild!
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If I'd disenchant everything from rare to legendary and the duplicated I'd get around 6.600 dust. Legendaries weren't the best apart from Yogg but thats ok. Maybe I'll get to live the dream of putting 10 damage mines into my opponents deck in the future.
Some luck here! I got: Rhonin, Wilfred Fizzlebang, N'Zoth, the Corruptor, golden Fandral Staghelm, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Genzo, the Shark, Kalimos, Primal Lord, Thrall, Deathseer, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Prince Keleseth, Zola the Gorgon and bunch of epic epic and rare cards no golden.
Hold on here, you are telling us that the fact to have a guaranteed legendary in the 10 first pack you open each new set also apply for the old set, so if i never opened old gods packs i have a high percentage to get the legendary from the 10th first pack? Someone can confirm that?
Yes :) but only if you never opened any of those packs before the patch where they implemented this system.
I dunno about that,with the other wild bundle in jan i got a leg from goblins and gnomes /a leg from grand tournament / 2 leg from old gods / 1 leg from gadgetzan .
Yes, i know when patch released they sayd you shoudn't get for packs that you opened but as far as i can tell after patch release there was a hard reset putting all 0 thats why you got a leg from standard decks and even classic in the next 10 if you opened any.
Anyway in january i conviced a couple of people friends to also give the bundle a chance they all got legendarys in all 4 of the expensions ,exceptions where people who already opened packs of the 4 expension and got a legendary after the patch update.
We could have been just very lucky,im talking here about only a few people(7) you can decide for yourself.
Hmm ok, feels bad, i start at the end of gadgetzan but just before the rotation i bought one pack from each old set, i bought old gods and i got c'thun so i tought it would be the same with the other set (noob move i know) and get a legendary aswel.. so i dunno if it would work or not, i still have 2 days to make a choice..
Didnt want to buy at first but they got me....again. Very nice pulls overall. Got around 15 epics aswell. Me happy
golden The Marsh Queen
golden The Boogeymonster
Madam Goya
Foe Reaper 4000
Normally, I do not buy the typical offers by Hearthstone. But because I mainly played in wild, and the value is more than the typical offers, 1 pack = 35 USD/56 packs = 0.625 USD. I bought this offer without much thinking. Some might say these are for wild but I mainly play the game for fun and to try out new interactions between cards so I felt this is a good offer. (and didn't contemplate much when I buy the packs)
The value is good enough that I am wondering if I can buy a second time and gift it to myself. Does anyone knows how this works?
And to clarify, we can only buy one such offer per one account right?
Then I am buying that shit man , I was playing only Standard , because of the majority of my friends and players. Then I jumped to wild with a nice constructed deck HELLA FUN MAN!!! <3
I am still hesitating by the way but I know I want to buy it !! XD <3
What decks do you play in wild that are capable of winning consistently or "broken" as you might say?
I feel bad for the players getting tricked into buying this "promotion". Wild is so powerful that only a few very specific cards from each expansion are playable anymore. You're better off using dust to buy them. I've also seen multiple comments saying it was by far the biggest discount ever by Blizzard. That's also silly, because they are selling you cards unplayable in Standard. Of course they should have a heavy discount on them. The wild packs shouldn't cost as much as standard ones to begin with.
You have a very weird idea about how the majority of players engage with Hearthstone. You really think that the Wild cards that Vicious Syndicate tells you are in Tier 1 and 2 decks are the only ones that people ever use?
There's a reason you don't see Stalag and Feugen past rank 20. I have only seen tiered decks in the past many season of Wild I've been playing. And a majority of what you will open in this bundle, if not every single card, is unplayable rubbish.
You know where the majority of players are? Around rank 20!
Blizz's desperate times lol
Would buy it if they added Toki as a new Mage hero. Even for 5$ more. Not worth for me as I can play most of the wild decks.
I play most wild and it is broken as... #₪&#
I was wondering if this could be the best offer for a player that has a big collection, even if he doesn't play Wild.
I don't play Wild but I have most of the cards (I never disenchant in case I change my mind in the future). I wonder if this offer will give me a huge amount of dust for the best prize ever, and therefore is better than any other offer with Standard packs.
I think its very expensive if you see how much % of the content available you get. I mean the information is there so its "technically" not misleading. But if you look at other games how much % of the content you can get for that money this game is like extremely more expensive.
4385 worth of dust :)