Patch Live - 18 Card Buffs, 1 Card Nerf, SN1P-SNAP, New Card Backs
A new patch is now live on Hearthstone featuring card buffs, a nerf, and a new legendary minion.
- The Boomsday Project has received a new legendary card, SN1P-SN4P. All players are getting this card for free, in gold!
- Reckless Experimenter can no longer reduce cards below a cost of 1. It is eligible for a full dust refund for 2 weeks.
- 18 cards from The Boomsday Project have received buffs. Details below.
- Two new card backs, a seasonal one and one rewarded from the "Masters Bundle".
Masters Bundle - Featuring a New Shaman Hero!
Purchasing the Hearthstone Masters Bundles gets you:
- 10 Rise of Shadows Packs
- 10 Rastakhan's Rumble Packs
- 1 Stolen Thunder Card Back
- 1 Thunder King Shaman hero (Lei Shen!)
You can buy the bundle online and in-game.
Arena Rotation Updated
The Hearthstone Arena has rotated! Here are the current expansions that are playable in the Arena.
- Classic
- Basic
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- The Grand Tournament
- One Night in Karazhan
- The Boomsday Project
- Rise of Shadows
New Card Backs
Two new card backs have been added.
- Shado-pan Card Back
- Long ago, this card back took up its sacred duty to keep negative emotions from overrunning your board. Though mysterious, it is highly effective.
- Rewarded for July 2019 Ranked Play
- Stolen Thunder
- The hardest part of stealing thunder is getting away with it quietly.
- Sourced from an upcoming "authorized promotion".
- The patch notes state this is rewarded for "purchasing the Masters Bundle"
Matchmaking Improvements
- We've implemented a new feature to reduce chances of matching against the same player and same class multiple times in a row. Some exceptions may occur when players have few matchmaking options near their rank.
- Match quality should be improved for players in ranks 25 – 21.
Card Buffs
- Gloop Sprayer to (7) Mana. (Down from 8)
- Mulchmuncher to (9) Mana. (Down from 10)
- Necromechanic to (4) Mana. (Down from 5)
- Flark's Boom-Zooka to (7) Mana. (Down from 8)
- Unexpected Results to (3) Mana. (Down from 4)
- Luna's Pocket Galaxy to (5) Mana. (Down from 7)
- Crystology to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
- Glowstone Technician to (5) Mana. (Down from 6)
- Extra Arms to (2) Mana. (Down from 3)
- Cloning Device to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
- The More Arms token will also cost 2.
- Pogo-Hopper to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
- Violet Haze to (2) Mana. (Down from 3)
- The Storm Bringer to (6) Mana. (Down from 7)
- Thunderhead to 3/6 (Up from 3/5)
- Spirit Bomb to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
- Dr. Morrigan to (6) Mana. (Down from 8)
- Security Rover to 2/6 stats. (Up from 2/5)
- Beryllium Nullifier to 4/8 stats. (Up from 3/8)
Year of Mech.
I'm totally fine with Blizz buffing cards and not giving us the full dust refund (why on earth would they?), but this idea was buzzing in my head since the initial announcement: what if they allowed players who don't own those cards to craft them for a discounted cost?
E.g.: 75% of the regular cost - Mulchmuncher will cost 30 dust and The Storm Bringer will cost 1200 dust for a limited period of time (2 weeks, like the time they usually give us to disenchant our nerfed cards).
I mean, in this way they would still make players invest dust and shake the meta but, at the same time, will allow more people to make experiments and (if wanted) fill up the collection a bit.
I'm open to suggestion and replies.
It's not a missed opportunity..blizzard is giving rumble packs in the bundle so we buy boomsday packs with more money..
Reckless Experimenter nerf is also live, but when you log into the game, the game doesn't inform you about it, it only shows the buffed cards and the SN1P SN4P
Don't forget to dust it people!
Would've been great if they would have done the opposite of when cards are nerfed, so buffed cards can be crafted for the disenchant-dust-value. but no, ofc not, why should they...
I wanted the same thing, I am kinda regretting dusting my storm bringer and dr. morrigain.
so like in 7 hrs? oh boy
For all you EST people, it’s 12pm
How did you get that?
Finally the best update, I was hoping for ever since I started playing this damn game.
And that's makes meta better <3
Any update on the EU connection issues?
9:00 PST is 17:00 gmt
Mobile update is expected at 9am PDT. Source:
Where is my update?
Same Problem on Android - no Update yet.
whats up with no update on android os?
EU here, still no update on Android..
Wait wait, hearthpwn is shutting down, blizzards BUFFS cards and gives a golden legendary for free?
Ok, who f*cked the timeline?
0 buffs cards given :D