Rise of Shadows Card Nerfs - What Do Pros Want To See Smacked?
IGN's Cam Shea got a chance to speak with a few of Hearthstone's pros at this past weekend's HCT World Championship and talked about card nerfs. Below you'll find our recap and you can read their thoughts it full here.
Card nerfs have been a very popular community topic post expansion launch, as they always are, though could it be different this time around? Here's what pros had to say about the Rise of Shadows set and any cards they think should get hit with the nerf bat.
- Ike thinks the meta hasn't fully progressed yet due to "sixteen of the best players ... [not] sharing anything"
- Justsaiyan says Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is a problem. Everyone is playing Warrior which means long games, he feels like not even playing mirrors. Boom is strong due to the DK rotation.
- Bunnyhoppor thinks Rogue is too strong. He also has this to say:
- Rogue opposition needs to have an answer for Waggle Pick or Raiding Party.
- Edwin VanCleef should be removed. He proposes moving Edwin to the Hall of Fame and making Preparation's effect a 2-cost reduction.
- Magic Carpet is not an issue right now but could be if Rogue gets nerfed.
- Possibly need to do something about Dr. Boom, Mad Genius because it might be healthy for player sentiment.
- Wants to see changes before Hearthstone Grandmasters begins as he doesn't want to see everyone only playing Rogue and Warrior.
- Hunterace thinks the biggest problem is EVIL Miscreant due to the Rogue pool being very strong. Bump the cost up to 4.
Proposed Nerf Targets
Some of these are conditionally, though they certainly echo community thoughts.
Your Thoughts
Are there any cards you think need to be hit with a nerf after these past few weeks of playing Rise of Shadows? Let us know down below.
Personally, I'm quite amazed Magic Carpet was even printed and will continue to quite enjoy the shenanigans in Zoolock while I still can. Increasing the cost seems like the most viable way to deal with it to keep the effect intact.
I also think that Augmented Elekk gives Warrior way too much power. Increasing its cost so it can remain a viable option for getting onto the field later in the game seems acceptable.
This happens when ppl netdeck and dont think with their small brains, that they can change 1-2 cards and tech in ooze, if they have so many problems with waggle pick.
Hitting Rogue with one of these nerfs is probably okay, but not all at the same time.
Nerf mad Genius, take the rush away and we Gucci
Dude is Dr. Boom the big problem here!! is just insane how much value can he gets from that single card is not fair !!
The general member of the community doesn't understand (or are just too blind to see) that rogue is intentionally not given consistent control synergies, and as a result have to rely on tempo and/or aggro to win. It's beyond idiotic to nerf a class' core playstyle and expect to not disappear from the game for a substantial time (just like what has happened to priest, warrior, & shaman in past metas).
Augmented Elekk? Bomb warrior isn't oppressive and Elekk isn't even in the top half of the cards in the deck. This isn't some red herring just to create comment engagement right?
As for a card I think may be too strong, I am surprised to see no mention of conjurer's calling. It is literally cube and an activator in one card that you get to play twice.
You know what they say about someone who points fingers like you? Theres 3 more pointing back at you! We are only a mirror for you sir.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. I always felt like the power level of the card would go up once the Death Knights were gone which is why I wasn't too happy about them leaving, despite everyone being sick of them. Maybe it might be less powerful if Mechs didn't have rush, I don't know. Hagatha and Zul'jin feel a lot more fair to deal with.
So in other words nerf non-warlock cards so that we can go back to a warlockstone meta again? Because that's always fun and in nowise have we ever had a zoolock, control lock, reno lock, or handlock dominated meta before. Oh wait.
Playing against Dr. Boom hero feels just like playing against the OP death knights that just rotated - completely oppressive. Once he comes out, it's nearly impossible to stick a minion thanks to good removal cards and a really strong mech pool that rush. There is not much more depressing in this game than your opponent playing him on curve.
Rogue is just nuts right now. You have to get good draws and play perfectly or you just lose to crazy burst. Cheap lackeys and bounce lead to massive Edwins and cheater cards like Raiding Party lead to massive low mana swing turns. It reminds me of old combo druid in that you cannot feel safe past turn 7 at 18 health. It sucks.
I'm so sick of nerfs!!!! I hate people who cry for nerfs! I wish they would buff garbage cards in under performing classes instead! Why can't people accept a class being on top of the meta for a few months? Some one always has to be #1, nothing will be a perfect balance, you strive for it, but it is impossible and boring! Just make a counter meta deck and the meta will shift!
thats all hearthpwn is man......complaining. when you have nothing to win you just come here for laughs while you download 1080p movies still in theaters. SOrry I don't participate in giving actors anymore money for another gold toilet or rolex watch and I don't participate in whining about nerfing cards like these tournament babies do. GAFL seriously. Play the game, enjoy it and move on. I could do a study for a phd on people who are mentally broken by this game. GAFL seriously. You want to really experience heart-pounding anxiety and real-world consequences start investing money and maybe do some trading. I doubt bunnyhop or ike baby could last a week with their winnings in the stock market. Give it a rest and GAFGOL.
How about buffing some shitty cards for a change? At least make some legendaries like Hir'eek, the Bat Duskfallen Aviana Dr. Morrigan playable somehow.
Blizzard in Hearthstone have a strong no buff policy that have made and stuck to forever. So like it or loathe it, no point asking for buffs, ain't gonna happen.
yeah, this exactly. they print so many useless cards, and they never do anything about making them viable. It's always about nerfing good cards.
you know as well the nerfs only happen if they think it will make more money. it has nothing to do with balancing the game. They are happy to let completely overpowered strategies run rampant for years at a time when it doesn't financially suit them to change anything.
I'm not gonna pretend to know how this all works, but I have a pretty good idea that more money is always going to be the driving factor behind decisions.
nerf VAN CLeef, wtf.......gfy, thank you. Some dolt named bunnyhopper says this so let's do it...hahah sorry chump you didn't win the tournament so stfu and go home now crybaby. if everyone plays rogue or warrior then ban those decks moron. Nobody who plays the game for fun gives two fucks what these kids care about because of their little tournament butthurt asses. When you waste your life playing a game and you don't win you tend to overreact A TON. tell blizzard to make special rules for the tournament babies and leave the rest of us alone to prep RP and make 8/8 VC on turn 2 about 1 in 20-25 games you dam lames.
I was thinking this as well. thanks for having the balls to say it.
why should we care what "pro's" say, does my collection and money somehow mean less because I don't dedicate my life to playing HS?
The comment above yours has a positive score so maybe badly written rambling just gets downvoted.
i think Mecha'thun is a better inclusion than Archivist Elysiana in any warrior deck.
Considering amount of mirrors maybe...