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Trademark for "Eye of Azshara" Spotted
A trademark under Blizzard's name has been filed for Eye of Azshara in Benelux, and it's definitely for a computer game. There is reason to believe this is the name for the upcoming Hearthstone expansion, which is expected to be announced at this year's BlizzCon. This trademark was filed the same day that Geoff Keighly and Michelle Morrow tweeted pictures from Blizzard HQ of the same blueprints that community members received a couple of days later.
Quote from Trademark FilingCl 9 Computer game software, computer game discs, downloadable computer game software, computer game software downloadable from a global computer network, interactive multimedia computer game program; downloadable electronic game software for use on portable electronic devices such as mobile and cellular phones, laptops, handheld computers, and tablet PCs.
Cl 41 Entertainment services;namely, providing on-line computer games; providing on-line non-downloadable computer games that may be accessed via a global computer network; providing on line news and information in the field of computer games.
What is the Eye of Azshara?
If you aren't familiar with World of Warcraft, Azshara is a Zone which sits in North Eastern Kalimdor, right above Orgrimmar. In the Cataclysm expansion, the zone was redesigned and with it came a large island in the center of the zone which was inhabited by the Goblins. It was called Bilgewater Harbor. This island sitting in the middle of the bay in Azshara resembles an eye when you look at it on the map.
Old Azshara
New Azshara
The Eye
The card back for November, titled Goblin, was released in the most recent client patch. That, along with the Blueprints which community members received in the mail, gave us a pretty good feeling that the next expansion was going to be mechanical themed. With the Eye of Azshara trademark showing up though, we could potentially see more Goblin influence in the cards instead of just generic engineering. Not only Goblins though, the Naga, Horde, and Night Elves also inhabit the zone in World of Warcraft, so there could be plenty of those too.
Bilgewater Harbor
Bilgewater Harbor
Statue of Azshara
Trade Prince Gallywix Statue
What We Know About the Expansion
For more information on what we know about the next Hearthstone expansion, check out our dedicated expansion info post.
...or the number of Harvest Golems....
Lets say they announce the expansion this week on blizzcon. When do yo think they will realease it?
All shown blueprints resemble gnomish engineering!
And they where sent by a gnome...
Trade Prince Gallywix statue in Azshara...maybe the "leaked cards" aren't fakes after all...
My thoughts exactly. They looked very real, although I didn't follow the discussion around them.
So this leaves open the Icecrown adventure with the end prize being the Death Knight hero deck.
Great job on the research and detective work on this one. Even if by chance you're chasing dead leads, this is some pretty good work!
Azshara is on the north eastern Kalimdor. Not north west...
The gnomes have been removed from the servers and all is well. Goblinlife!
Azshara the zone was reshaped by the Goblins as Horde symbol. The island is part of that symbol, and has nothing to do with any kind of "eye". Azshara more likely refers to Queen Azshara, the leader of the Highborne Night Elves who abused the magic of the Well of Eternity, nearly leading to the arrival of the Burning Legion on Azeroth and the Sundering 10,000 years ago. Her people are now either the Blood Elves or the Naga, so there's that. A Naga expansion is what comes immediately to mind. That could be cool, I guess.
Which completely ignores all the goblin/mechanical/engineering stuff we've seen in the past few days, which is alright, the more theories the better, but the point of this post was to make a connection to everything we've seen so far, and the goblins / mechanicals don't connect to Azshara herself very easily.
It is much easier to see that the island in the middle of the horde symbol is an eye in a socket, or rather, the Eye (Island) of Azshara (Zone).
Seems like an odd choice for a Goblin/Engineering expansion title, then. Yeah, the zone is all goblin'd up, but it seems like there are better ways to unite such a theme.
Ey! screw ya'll! us WoWheads need to kill that octopus daemon witch before yeh get yer grubby card finagnling hands on that entire plot!
I always thought the eye of Azshara looked more like the Horde symbol turned sideways than an actual eye.
It is a Horde Symbol, but the island is also definitely an "Eye" in the context of Eye of Azshara. Assuming its the name of the expansion, it's a clever expansion name from Blizzard since most people immediately jumped to Azshara herself and not the WoW zone.
This is exciting!!!!!!!!
So much HYPE!
Ghostcrawler =(
A.K.A Hungry Crab