Rise of Shadows Developer Q&A This Monday!
The Hearthstone Devs are hosting a Q&A session for Rise of Shadows. You can currently leave your own questions in the dedicated thread on the offical forums and they will start to be answered at 10 AM PDT this Monday, April 22. There's only 100 posts in the thread so far, so if you ask a good question there's a decent chance you may get a reply.
We'll recap all their answers here on Monday, so stay tuned!
Quote from Dylan BatesWell met, E.V.I.L. adventurers!
Put down your Wrenchcaliburs, Wagglepicks, and Headhunter’s Hatchets and set fingers to keyboard - we’ve assembled a league of talented D.E.V.E.L.O.P.E.R.S. to answer your Rise of Shadows questions here on the Hearthstone forums at the start of next week!
You can go ahead and start listing your questions in the thread now - starting at 10:00 AM PDT on Monday, April 22, we’ll have designers and artists on hand for a couple of hours to check in on how your evil schemes are coming along and to talk to you about your favorite decks, awesome plays, answer your burning questions, or discuss anything else you’d like to know about Rise of Shadows!
Remember to favorite/like any questions you’d like to see answered and we’ll see you Monday!
Where is the recap you promised?
Mage & Priest not playable at all :FeelsBadman:
I don't know if they will answer any other questions, but up to now I feel really disappointed: they have given us zero information, just repeating "that would be cool", "we're looking into that direction" or "we'll consider it for the future".
I'm well aware that they can't vomit everything they know (they're employees after all: they can't say whatever they want), but please don't make these events totally useless. Give us something, even if little or just teased, but something.
just congratulations, the game is awesome and better than ever! thanks for everything guys
I'm a 100% wild mode player. What do you think about wild? do you think odd/even still dominate the wild?, The meta haven't change much after the Risk of Shadows released. If you check hsreplay.net, the top 10 win rate decks remained the same (odd paladin & even shaman), which make me feel terrible that I purchased 120 preorder packs. I feel like 3200 dust are enough for next expansion as wild barely any change
new class
new modes
No achievements please, every game that introduced that got ruined somehow beside that hell yea for a tournament mode even if it was already planned and it got canceled for some reason.
where we can see it ? really lazy job not putting a link on this news
go the the link they posted ( leave your own questions in the dedicated thread ) and then go to the very bottom of the page, you will see the dev's replies in golden
Game Desginer (Liv Breeden): We nerfed Saronite Chain Gang as a result of combinations with Shudderwock being an unfun experience to play against. It can be exhausting spending a huge amount of time on a single turn just watching everything play out without you interacting at all. There’s an unfortunate side-effect that Chain Gang loses handbuff synergies, but it felt like the right decision to make.
As for Yogg, it’s a pretty dangerous effect for us to have in Neutral sticking around forever. If we were to do this sort of thing again, we’d rather put it in a class where it’s a little more contained.
Game Desginer (Liv Breeden): Designs go through a lot of iterations, and this one happened to be a little later than others. We try to get the flavor, mechanics, and art to all line up but getting the right design is the most important part. We tried Boombots, shuffling in bombs, dealing damage, but this is the one we landed on. We wanted to give them some more defensive tools to help out that archetype more than the damage and bomb version.
How do you feel about standart meta atm? Do you consider removing (or balancing) remaining Hero cards like Dr.Boom Mad Genius/ Hagatha? All in all, which cards disturb you most and what upcoming changes should we expect?
It's starting in 8 minutes?
A countdown could be nice (and universal).
It seems like the more prevalent balancing tactic is to Nerf cards with super high win rates, or print more support in latter expansions. I feel like there are a lot of cards this set that are ok, but not good enough to use.
Any chance we could see some cards buffed before the next expansion? The one that comes to mind are the new demon portal cards. They are fun and a cool theme, but far from competitive.
How do you feel about the state of wild, since there are many decks that are very highroll ? (example; darkest hourlock and big priest)
What are you going to do about Priest in constructed? Saying they are strong in Wild isn't an answer, no one cares about Wild.
In standard Silence Priest is pretty decent imo. And you’re completely wrong that no one cares about wild.
Achivment system will ever be added to the game?
Probably not because that would be too much fun for this game. This game is great but their devs are super retarded.
I really think a good achievement system, that's built around helping newer users understand game mechanics and potentially unlock critical standard cards, would be a huge improvement to the game. 'Finish off an opponent X number of times with a charge minion' to earn Leeroy Jenkins, for example.
With the return of so many iconic Hearthstone villains this set, is it safe to assume that Reno and our favorite adventuring company may be returning to foil their plans in the next set? Also, from a design standpoint, what are the challenges you face in balancing lore versus gameplay? Example, the Lich King in the Warcraft universe is obviously more powerful than his 8/8 reflection in Hearthstone, but his card design was well balanced, capturing his feel without being too overpowered.