It's happening! Blizzard has released the official times for the launch of Rise of Shadows via Twitter! This will be the first ever simultaneous global launch!
Quote from PlayHearthstone TwitterWe’re thrilled to announce that tomorrow’s release of #RiseOfShadows will be our first simultaneous global launch!
▪️ Americas: 09 April 10:00 PDT
▪️ Europe: 09 April 17:00 GMT
▪️ Asia: 10 April 02:00 KS / 01:00 CST
▪️ China: 10 April 01:00 CSTDon’t forget, logging in during the launch of Rise of Shadows will unlock the Archmage Vargoth Legendary card for free, and give you access to some truly Legendary launch quests.
Good luck to you, the newest member of the League of E.V.I.L.! We’ll see you in the tavern, soon.
Who is hyped? What will you be doing when the expansion drops?
What does 'Legendary launch quests' mean? 🤔
Last time i heard the words "Legendary Quests", was in a Legendary Rap, made by a Legendary guy.
Legendary quest - when the reward is card pack. Now it will be 5 quests, and you will get 2+2+2+2+4 (12) packs for them.
Seen it somewhere but cannot find it: these should better be called non-daily quests. They're given in addition of the dailies and can now be rerolled (if you really want to)... This time they're the quests given for the expansion
Look for the post below that mentions data mined information. It shows the legendary quests.
After every new expansion came out i always have a wild Renounce Darkness deck to have fun :D
renounce darkness is a great fun deck. actually the first deck i managed to get to rank 5 with too
just waiting for all my decks to say WILD after the updates, ;)
Hi, how many quest slot must be keep free?thank you
I'm keeping two, just to be sure.
Just keep 2. You don't wanna miss a legendary quest to be able to reroll one of your 50G...
Will there be a free legendary??
probably not since we already got Vargoth, but there's a bunch of legendary quests for extra packs
Technically yes, if you count the guaranteed legendary from first 10 packs of a new set and we should get 12 packs doing the legendary quest chain.
anyone notice the url is 666
What you think will be your first reaction to the new meta?
Mine probably will be: duck Kalegos. That card seems OP as duck.