It's happening! Blizzard has released the official times for the launch of Rise of Shadows via Twitter! This will be the first ever simultaneous global launch!
Quote from PlayHearthstone TwitterWe’re thrilled to announce that tomorrow’s release of #RiseOfShadows will be our first simultaneous global launch!
▪️ Americas: 09 April 10:00 PDT
▪️ Europe: 09 April 17:00 GMT
▪️ Asia: 10 April 02:00 KS / 01:00 CST
▪️ China: 10 April 01:00 CSTDon’t forget, logging in during the launch of Rise of Shadows will unlock the Archmage Vargoth Legendary card for free, and give you access to some truly Legendary launch quests.
Good luck to you, the newest member of the League of E.V.I.L.! We’ll see you in the tavern, soon.
Who is hyped? What will you be doing when the expansion drops?
I started playing after the release, I played more than a year of a crow :Kappa:
epic fail already , as stated 17.00 gmt grenwich mean time == uk time == now past 17.00 nothing available ,, doesnt bode well if something simple as telling or getting the time correct cant be achieved !!
İts 16:22 gmt atm
Daylight Savings UK time (British Summer Time, BST) isn't the same as GMT.
I'm confused… Where I live the timezone is GMT + 1. Except it's 18:22 here, so then it should be GMT + 2. But it ain't. Whaaaaaaaat??
You ARE right about the GMT, so I'm very confused. Maybe it's because of summer/winter time or something.
It's GMT + 1 in the UK now due to daylight Savings I believe. I was confused as well.
it's GMT + 2 because summer time.
19:00 for the likes of
UK, France, AustriaHYPE !!
Some worrying general knowledge fails on this thread.
Are we there yet ?
Not gonna lie: feelin the hype!
Might change in a day, week or month, but right now... HYYYYYYPE!!
Which would be true if Daylight Savings time wasn't into effect.
However it's GMT +1 in the UK and +2 in Western Europe,
So 17:00 GMT = 18:00 London = 19:00 Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam etc.
so unfair that people in england get to play the expansion sooner
we have a saying " every village has one " and you are obviously the one in your village or town ,, no one gets to play it before anyone its a global release ,, for all the world .
terixeri you are wrong ,, gmt refers to british time only not european time even tho europe is +1 ,, so it says on here available 17.00 gmt which is in fact 17.00 uk time not 17.00 uk time +1 ,, it should have said 17.00 cest which is europe time and 1 hour ahead of gmt for uk .they got it wrong and cant tell the correct release time sheesh .
Well it's 17:00 here in Europe now but we can't open any packs yet....
I guess it will be 19:00..
official time here
It says 17:00 GMT which means Greenwich mean time which is the time in the UK. So it's 17:00 GMT and therefore 18:00 in europe
Not quite