New Legendary Reveal - Archivist Elysiana
A new card has been revealed by Thijs
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Gonna be a hard time dying to these RNGesus cards
This plus Hakkar Control match up?
Replace -> does it mean if you have 20 cards in your deck it will get replaced with this 10 ?
Does that mean you can effectively play this card once you have less than 10 cards in your deck + no important cards are in the deck .
No matter what your deck looks like (0 cards, 20 cards, whatever), it will be exactly the 10 cards this Battlecry gives you after you play this card.
So yes, and yes.
Solid replacement for Archbishop Benedictus and synergises ok with Princess Talanji / Seance
Ugh another way for people to rope me
Prince of Darkness from Shadowverse.
Exactly. But probably not as painful as sitting through Build-a-Beast for 20 straight turns.
Especially since this card will see so little play you're happy to finally be able to take a piss.
Perfect against mill decks!
Id be willing to try it with Arch-Villain Rafaam.
Explore Dalaran
Bring your warrior opponent a nightmare with double Youthful Brewmaster and this card :D
Better yet, BE that warrior nightmare with double youthful and this card.
I'm already waiting to see a fun Trolden clip where someone messes up badly in Wild, playing this with Brann, thinking it'll give them 20 cards, but it just replaces it twice. Bonus points if they pick "synergy cards" that are useless without the first 5. XD
It's not "Shuffle into deck", it's "change your deck". This don't work with elekk and nothing like that... (but i think it'll work in some control decks).
For some reason I thought this card actually discovered 5 cards and put them into your hand before sending 2 copies into your deck. I was like holy crap this is broken. But this is much more manageable as a last resource kind of card! Interesting design!
Whoops, I'm stupid
That's a spirit!
Can't wait to see the golden version of this card, the artwork is incredibily cool to me!