New Druid Legendary - Lucentbark
A new card has been revealed by Newsweek.
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People always do the "JUST SILENCE IT" thing. I guess Hyena, Voidlord, Edwin are all bad cards that won't see play because just silence it.
yheaa keeping a silence in ahnd is aswell bad
Yeah you're right we should'nt look forward any card because there is always something that counter it, you're such a genius card player.
2 of those cards are cheap minions. One of them lets you have two in the deck. For voidlords, warlocks who play it make 4+ voidlords. None of these are comparable to a single 8 mana 4-8.
"We're gonna live forever"
Tinkmaster Overspark: 'Now look, that Devilsaur just looks a little less terrible than that tree there, doesn't it?' and then the Squirrel flips Lucentbark off, cause it bears no nuts.
I really wish sometimes Tinkermaster Overspark would just transfrom a minion of your choice into a 5/5 Dinosaur.
I'm pretty sure his effect used to be targetted but got nerfed because that was op. You don't realize how transform "removal" is strong, tinkmaster would be busted, he was. Also feels unfun. I know mage and shaman have it, but at least it's class restricted.
This card is very slow and cumbersome. It also somehow forces you to heal something even when you may not want to. I don't believe it's gonna see much play, except in some fatigue decks and such (much like control priest). There will probably be better cards for 8 mana. Even an ironbark protector usually forces a hard removal.
Since most of the combo decks are gonna be dead this card will most likely see play
Is there enough good healing cards though?
Does it count as a treant? If yes can see plays with it.
Imagine if you steal this as priest...
A little overcosted so will not see play in many decks. But I like it, it fits druid well.
Well it's quite obvious it doesn't fit in every Druid deck o.O
april fools ?
Again the artwork on these Druid cards are amazing Crystal Druid sounds like an interesting deck
I hope we get more heal synergy cards if not for druid then at least in the neutral set
And if you write the name backwards you get "Krabtnecul" .... which has no meaning, but could be yet another nice demon name :P
I think one of the problems with this card is that with us losing so many cards, silence will be readily available in most decks. It also seems like this + stags aren't a win condition. They're just okay cards. They look fun, but I doubt heal druid is going to be a top deck.