New Legendary Reveal - Archmage Vargoth
A new card has been revealed by IGN. This card will be given to all players for free ahead of the expansion.
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Cast a Twinspell for MEGA value
well, let's see how this one gets abused.
Cast specific spell in that turn and it's definitely workable.
This, Vellen and Malygos. Mass Resurect on priest, coin mind blast. In the end of the turn we will have 2 velen, 2 malygos + 1 more mind blast ^^. It is interesting technical card. For sure not some auto include as Lich King, but some specific decks may be created around it.
except u will get the coin xD
The card does say, cast a spell, so no more than 1 per turn.
Lol, really. I though it would cast all spells from this turn. So than it is interesting how the spell will be chosen. Randomly or first one.
At end of youre tourn you can resurrect 6 differen minion...(because there is no battlecry card...)
i see some rogue combo, but im not sure what exactly
Combo with prep.... or not. Best used for those powerful non-target based spells.
Per IGN, everyone gets this card for free prior to the expansion release, kinda like Marin.
Why "(targets are random)" instead of "(targets chosen randomly)"?
You must be new here
2/6 statline on a neutral with such strong effekt? well staple in almost any deck...will be like new shredder imo every deck can use this pretty much. Should have been mage legendary imo
(Targets are random) Wtf is Blizzard's wording on this?
Well I mean double up on your board clears each turn... pretty nice... Kinda prevents you from casting targetted spells which can target both sides, but oh well... also usually you wouldn't want to cast a big spell and a small spell on the same turn when this is in play as it makes it a bit RNG... But other than that value.
Seems good
Coining this on turn 3.
That's so awesome! You get another coin!
That will do nothing!
Good with one sided board clears like Blizzard, or with buffs when no enemy minions. I like it.