Rise of Shadows Community Card Reveal Schedule
Blizzard has finally revealed the Rise of Shadows card reveal schedule! Times in the screenshots below are EASTERN US/CAN. Local times can be found on the official page.
- There was a 5 day gap from March 21 to March 26 until a new icon was added for March 25 - reveal kick-off stream.
- Reveals end on April 2. Probably will see a stream / dump the following day.
Reveal Stream
March 28th 10am: Shudderwocks scheme (3) - Your next battlecry happens twice (upgrades each turn)
What do you think?
The teeth don't match, and I don't think we'll get a revisit of that.
Big Chunguswock: Whizbang but ultra meme decks
We already got the Shaman scheme. Don't think there's going to be more than 1 per (evil) class. Also, Shudderwock is not an arch-villain outside of the meta it created before it was nerfed.
I hope Alliestrasza reveals a card this expansion as well.She's adorable and genuinely funny.
I wouldn't even mind if it's a Hunter card.
You just created an account and your first comment is that. That says something
April 2nd, 4 AM.
You're welcome.
Don't see how she will not get a card reveal for years to come after she's been invited to showcase the Rumble Run on stream.
Thanks for the reply dude.Christmas came early baby :D
Didn't know that,kinda auto-skipped the whole Rastakhan-thingy cause the best part of the entire expansion was that catchy song.I have it on my playlist.
Guys , seriously , where the DUCK is the guy that usually post the EU time reveal ?
That's the 4th time I came here and scrolled all the way down here to find the guy that post EU time on the original img.
Where are u dude? WE NEED YOU.
Official page has the schedule for your local time. You don't need him anymore. :P
Yeah that's nice but I'm always taking his img and sending it to my HS WhatsApp group. They get all their news from me so I feel like it's my duty to give then the whole reveal picture in EU relevant time.
10x anyway
Don't trust any of the reveals on April 1st
definitely the treasure one
the kid has no personality, i agree
The dude is hilarious what are you talking about? Watch his videos they are quality
Agreed, ,Firebat is a funny guy. Likes lame/dumb jokes and puns and is constantly throwing them out there, will always watch him over others if he's live on twitch. When he streams with Zalae and Purple they're nerdy/akward af, have great chemistry and I love it.
Hope they all reveal a card.
If the reveal stream is at 1 PM why does Hearthstone's Twitter say it's 10 AM? https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/1108460475321368583https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/st
Because 1 pm Est is 10 am pst....