Reminder: Hearthstone Wild Card Pack Bundle Going Away Soon! Promo Ends Jan 22
Only a few days remain to get a good deal on 40 Wild Packs. This is especially a good deal for newer players that never got to play during these past expansion thanks to the guaranteed legendary card in your first 10 packs for each set.
- The 40 packs include 10 of each from TGT, GvG, WOG, and MSG.
- The cost is 25000 Korean Won (EUR 24.99, RUB 1379, USD $24.99, CAD $31.49)
- The packs can be purchased on's Shop until January 22.
- Wild Bundle may only be purchased once.
Did you purchase the bundle? What cards did you open up?
I would've rather have them selling wild adventures.
always wanted to have the LoE cardback feelsbadman
You can still buy Wild adventures, though you have to go to the shop.
Krul the Unshackled - Nice! Okay maybe this was worth it
Trade Prince Gallywix - Okay...
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale - Wait
Rhonin - Blizz what did I do to you?!?!
Eadric the Pure - "Lies in puddle of tears" - Blizz what did I do to you?!?!
5 legendaries in 40 packs sounds like a sweet deal to me, even if they are just dust.
Don't get me wrong, that was legit, but it was just going from that high to low. I was built up just to be torn down, haha.
Will it be available whole day on 22 January? Just wanted to know exact time of leaving
It's a great deal on paper, good bang for the buck value here!
Yea seems legit. Better click that link.
Blizz remeber: no money from me, for ever!
Bought the bundle, got Gahz'rilla, Dreadscale, Soggoth the Slitherer and Hobart Grapplehammer on top of two golden epics. Definitely not regretting, although the legendaries are rather shitty.
I got Shifter Zerus, Bolf Ramshield, and Flame Leviathan lol.
LMFAO no its $55, gog sold it for 40 a few days back doe
bought it on steam for 14,99
Wild bundle: 24U$
Witcher 3 Game of the year Version: 15$
do the math
after DE golden cards (which i never keep) and all the 3rd copies. i had 4800 dust.
i got Mal'Ganis, Leeroy Jenkins, and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End from the dust. SUPER happy i baught this! thanks blizzard!
I got so many legendary's out of this bundle. Don't play much wild, but nice to complete the card collection.
Dude, just craft The cards
Finally one bundle I can resist to buy simply because I don't play wild but it's definitely a nice deal for wild players.
i'm good thanks
Uh, no.