Hearthstone Wild Card Pack Bundle Now Available Worldwide! 40 Discounted Packs
You can purchase your bundle on Battle.net here at this magical auto-region link! If it doesn't work, it may not yet be live in your region.
In a blog post this evening on the Korean Hearthstone Blog, Blizzard has announced a new bundle of wild card packs containing 40 packs!
- The 40 packs include 10 of each from TGT, GvG, WOG, and MSG.
- The cost is 25000 Korean Won (EUR 24.99, RUB 1379, USD $24.99, CAD $31.49)
- The packs can be purchased on Battle.net's Shop until January 22.
- Wild Bundle may only be purchased once.
We don't know if this promotion is going to be available outside of Korea. Currently you can only purchase it if your account supports using Korean Won.
So they it's not aveilable anymore?
I got 6 legendaries where 2 of them was golden - lucky.
7 epics, 2 or 3 golden rare and a few golden common. Crappy bundle, as always. I did not want to buy it, I don't know why I bought it.
I know there are people who didn't get 4 legendaries, however as a since-beta player I've tried too. Keep in mind that of course I had bought packs from those sets in the past, but never after they rotated out. This is what I got:
--streets of gadgetzan
2 epic
1 golden legendary
1 legendary
--old gods
2 epic
1 legendary
1 golden legendary
--grand tournament
3 epic
1 legendary
--goblin vs gnomes
2 epic
1 golden epic
1 legendary
Plus an handful of golden rares and commons I did not care to count.
This is indeed WAY more than statistics would normally expect, so I'm pretty positive the pity timer for me had been reset. But since some people did not get legendaries, or not as much, it may mean one of three things:
- I was SOOOOOOO lucky opening these (but 2 golden legendaries and 4 normal ones still seem a bit too much!)
- people claiming they didn't get legendaries actually bought some packs in the past after the reset, and already got those legendaries
- the pity timer did reset, but not for everyone
I'm more inclined to believe in the last option, but it' pretty hard to find any evidence of which one is actually true..
pics or it didn't happen. I refuse to believe you got that many golden legendaries when I only get like every year and a half or so.
of course I'm not saying it's impossible, just improbably... pics would help your case. ha ha.
ha ha, seriously though man GZ if you did get those.
Yeah, I understand you, I was skeptical too about another one here in this thread saying he got 6 or 7 legendaries :D
I play since beta and I only got 3-4 golden legendaries since then.. and now two at once, together with all the other non gold ones? But that's just the point: these numbers are just too high to justify pure luck. It seems more likely that I was under the pity timer despite having opened packs from those sets in the past.
I dont know if i should laugh or cry, i'm mainly a standar player, but i never disenchanted any of my cards that go out of rotation, ( i like to collect them and sometimes i like to play wild to change the mood ). since the price for this packs were good i decided to purchase it, man, i got a bunch of epics and golden rares, and 3 legendaries, the funny thing, one of them was Aviana and the other was a golden Shaku, the Collector, both these cards i wanted really bad back then, but now Aviana was nerfed and shaku is a golden one (i never disenchant a normal version, even if its crap, but a golden one, such temptation to disenchant for a legendarie of my choice).
By reading this, could someone above rank 25--provided they have done the intro missions--unlock wild? Contemplating gifting to the missus, but it's a waste of cash if they remain locked away. She wants to play the new brawl, but has bugger all cards (she loves brawl) from Witchwood and Boomsday. Even on the brawl build-deck page, she can't craft anything from the wild sets.
Well, Wild is available for anyone to play, but keep in mind as a new player it is much harder to compete with those that have cards from all the sets. I never played wild since it was separated from standard, so I can't comment where the larger collections appear on the ladder.
If you are looking for a gift so your SO can have some fun new cards to use in tavern brawl, this is a great idea.
They are only locked until you complete the intro missions to learn to play the game, kinda like a tutorial I imagine. But I haven't started a new account since goblins vs gnomes! Worst case scenario, you be a good mate and complete them for her. Bonus surprise.
Since the new ranking system was implemented, you had to be rank 25 or below to unlock wild. Look at the normal wild boosters/adventures on the Blizz shop website. That warning isn't on the bundle. Sooo....
The answer, from Blizz support, is no. So if you're over rank 25, do not purchase the bundle (or gift it to someone who is!
Really hoping his final statement plays through. I've been going very close to the pity timer since after Boomsday's release (which I went pretty well in).
Only got one legendary, but it's fine. Got a few bits to help me finish my first wild deck and a bunch of extra cards to either save for future wild decks, or dust to get cards in the new expac this Spring.
The card I got was Gahz'rilla seems like a pretty cool card.
anyone think this might be a test run to see if it's worth doing more with wild? I mean like bundles or mixed packs, maybe mixed packs for 100g a piece.
it would be nice to have some of this.
it would be cool if they let me buy the adventure cards I dusted back as well, but I guess if this was the case, people would just buy adventures and dust them and it would probably be more lucrative than buying packs I'd imagine.
new players, don't dust the adventure cards (or at least the good ones anyway) as the only way to get them back is to craft them.
I was thinking about that as well. This sale, combined with an earlier blog post soliciting user feedback to make wild better (a few months back), as well as them releasing wild packs for purchase in their Blizzard store a couple years back (which they initially didn't do) is probably an indication that they're trying to engage more people.
there is a wild tournament coming up as well. tells me they are trying to make more out of the mode. I mean they have a huge back catalogue of cards they are not properly monetizing. By incentivizing more players to play wild, they sell more card packs in the long run.
not to mention they will have more players wanting to re-craft cards they have dusted to get into wild, which in turn sells more packs also.
So yeah, I think it's within their best interests to bring more players to wild and support it further.
Is there a way to pay in BRL or RUB and claim the packs on EU region?
it's 20.99 in UK.
Here's what I got: 5 Lengendaries ( Malorne, Auctionmaster Beardo, Gazlowe, Justicar and Chillmaw), 7 epics, 1 golden epic, 4 golden rares, 7 colden commons.
Really wanted Justicar, nice that I got some extras with it.
Justicar was pretty nice if I remember rightly. was it a warrior card? sure it was used in warrior decks (despite sounding like a paladin card) I could be mixed up though as that set ended like pretty soon after I started playing.
Justicar Trueheart, is neutral.