Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up!, Saronite Chain Gang, Leeching Poison CHANGES ARE NOW LIVE
Five card changes are coming to Hearthstone on December 19th, which is... today!
- [Discuss this Change] Wild Growth now costs 3, up from 2.
- [Discuss this Change] Nourish now costs 6, up from 5.
- [Discuss this Change] Level Up! now costs 6, up from 5.
- [Discuss this Change] Saronite Chain Gang now summons another Saronite Chain Gang, instead of a copy of the minion.
- [Discuss this Change] Leeching Poison now costs 1, down from 2, and only gives Lifesteal for 1 turn.
Check out Blizzard's post below for more information on each of the changes.
Quote from BlizzardIn an update scheduled to arrive December 19 PST, the following cards will be changed.
Developer’s Note: This balance update is focused on improving the long-term health of both Standard and Wild. We've opted to make these changes earlier in the expansion cycle than we normally consider; we'd like to hear your feedback on the timing of this update, in addition to what you think of all the individual card changes.
Wild Growth – Will cost 3 mana. (Up from 2)
Nourish – Will cost 6 mana. (Up from 5)
Wild Growth and Nourish have been present in every mid-range, combo, and control Druid deck since their introduction in the Basic and Classic set. When cards from the Basic and Classic set are too powerful, they can have negative long-term effects on the game. Continuously playing against these cards can start to feel repetitive, and they can feel so mandatory that they stifle creative deckbuilding decisions. By increasing the mana cost of both cards by one, we expect them to be considerations in late-game control Druid decks, but more difficult to fit in strategies that don’t directly take advantage of ramping mana.
Level Up! – Will cost 6 mana. (Up from 5)
Odd Paladin has consistently been one of the most powerful and most played decks since its introduction in The Witchwood. By removing Level Up from Odd Paladin, we still expect it to be a competitive board control deck, just with more consistent damage output that should be easier to play around.
Saronite Chain Gang – Now reads: Taunt. Battlecry: Summon another Saronite Chain Gang.
Shudderwock brings an interesting combo to the table, but playing Shudderwock multiple times in a single game can be frustrating. Changing Saronite Chain Gang makes playing multiple Shudderwocks in a game much more difficult. Shudderwock should now exist as a powerful one-turn effect rather than constantly copying itself with Saronite Chain Gang’s Battlecry.
Leeching Poison – Will cost 1 mana. (Down from 2). Now reads: Give your weapon Lifesteal this turn.
We love the fantasy of building a powerful weapon over the course of a game with Kingsbane, but granting it a permanent Lifesteal effect with Leeching Poison resulted in an endgame with few weaknesses, as well as conflicting with our philosophy that Rogues should not have persistent self-healing effects. Making the Lifesteal effect only active for one turn should address some of the power level issues with Kingsbane Rogue’s late game.
Kiwii's Thoughts
Resident deck architect Kiwiinbacon had some thoughts on the nerfs.
2400 dust from my golden rares alone and no more kingsbane rogue so my slow decks work in wild?
This is a really nice surprise
I had the exact same issue, just yesterday I played against 3 Kingsbane decks in a row. Idk if it's OP but it is hard to beat as a Control deck when you have like 3 board clears in hand and they just don't play their minions outside of drawing cards.
*Kingsbane Rogue crying in corner*
With the mana wyrm nerf earlier and the wild growth nerf now they are really destroying iconic class cards. Not sure that's so great...
Nothing wrong with nerfing too powerful decks but still.
There shouldn't be "iconic class cards" in the first place.
more room for new cards... nothing bad about it.
Hunter nerf already is in the game.
It is called getting good
I like how they killed 2 6k+ dust decks without any dust return. Activision at its finest.
Just disenchant the nerfed cards for full value?
thats dust return.
Saronite Chain Gang why blizzard why!?? is it because of shudderwock? hes not relative anymore, saronite was one of my favorite since I loved experiment with it, buff it up and stuff like that. This is a sad day indeed.
Not relative ?? Did you ever played against a Shaman lately ? With the new card that gives you armor ?
I haven't seen any mention on how the Saronite Chain Gang nerf is also a big blow to Soul Infusion, lots of Locks ran it with Doubling Imp it's a sizeable nerf to that archetype as well.
Maybe a top meta deck since beta made them reconsider the class a bit.
The first two I strongly disagree with, but the rest are fantastic news to hear and more than make up for my initial disappointment.
Lol at me for crafting cards to make Druid and Kingsbane decks after getting back into Hearthstone after a 2 year hiatus.
I literally spent $30 two weeks ago to build both decks. RIP my $30. Kinda pisses me off.
Yeah, i just threw over 6k dust in rogue last week after a hiatus and my fav deck is maly druid, i'm gonna quit again. LMAO-ing hard at blade flurry nerf too, now that kingsbane is trash again.
no huntards nerfs OMEGALUL
And now roll into even palla.
Okay but, consider this, Leeching Poison, Level Up!, and Saronite Chain Gang are all rotating out next expansion. So does this Nerf really matter?