Hearthstone Hotfixes - December 10/11 2018
A small patch was applied to Hearthstone last night which brought in a few bug fixes.
Quote from Jesse HillGreetings!
I have seen a few different posts that have gone up reporting issues players have encountered since the latest expansion. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to report these, as well as provided any details into what they saw. It is always a great help :)
With that said, we have implemented hotfixes for some of these matters. As always, if you come across something that doesn't seem to be working as intended, please feel free to let us know. The Bug Report forums are monitored by our QA team directly, so anything reported there gets investigated.
- Reduced Zentimo’s animation times when combined with certain spells.
- Doubling Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk’s Battlecry will no longer cause instability.
- Zentimo’s text has been clarified. Zentimo now reads “Whenever you target a minion with a spell, cast it again on its neighbors."
- All of Warlord Loti’s forms now have the Legendary border.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Overkill minions to trigger incorrectly.
Addressed some text and animation issues.- [Android] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to get “stuck” after installation.
WarDRUID* Loti....
Warlord Loti? Who's that?
Smh Blizzard, you'd rather hot-fix than play-test this stuff...
Amazing that apparently nobody at Blizzard tested Brann with Jan'alai. Omegalul
Also, apparently Overkill wasn't even tested. It's ok guys, brand new keyword incoming, no need to even attempt to debug, it's fine.
Oh just shut up you child.
Oh just go crawl back in Blizzard's butt.
They also fixed the 🐛 with the Paladin’s 2 drop that keeps enchantments when shuffled into the deck deathrattle. It used to provide spell damage buff even from deck or hand. No more
Tl:dr Thanks for doing the qa testing instead of us :)
Hope they fix another issue soon, the charge and rush minions bug where they're sometimes aren't intractable when summoned and you need to restart the client fast. (The bug where you click the board under them instead of the minion itself.)
It's been there for charge minions ever since they changed Hearthstone's game engine, maybe longer.
It has been in the game since launch
It has been especially frequent for me in the past month or two
Surprised that they couldn't get Zentimo's text right the first time, but better late than never I guess.
What about golden animations on mobile?currently on iphone 7 ios 12.1.1 and dont have them
I think thats because they lowered the graphics on mobile, witch i really like because it was laggy, they should add an option to turn it off and on though
The golden animations don’t happen when the client is installing an update, such as the hot fix. It tells you in the download manager.
Hakkar's Corrupted Blood now deal the whole damage (plus fatigue) and the animation is superfast.
This makes it official, Gonk to the face repeated interaction was meant to happen.
Gonk, For the wild! Gonk, For the wild! Gonk, For the wild! Gonk, For the wild! Gonk.
that is sad :/
Good. The card is barely playable as it is.
Did they fix the Gral, the Shark thing? Where it would display the card he ate over the screen for the rest of the game?
So they didn't change the interaction between Immortal Prelate and spell power ? Does that mean that it was intended ?