Final Rastakhan Card Reveal Stream - Live Updates!
The final stream has concluded! All the new cards showcased today can be found below.
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Thirty-Six new cards have been revealed. You can see all cards over in our dedicated Rastakhan Expansion Guide.
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Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's tenth expansion? Visit our expansion guide for Rastakhan's Rumble!
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you are the only one in thinking that. Boosday a great expansion? Yes so good that was based on magnetic and nobody is using magnetic.
TBH, i don't really like this expansion, It's not that there are no cool cards and stuff, but it's missing something, i don't get the vibe like previous ones.
If you’re referring to WoW that’s hilarious because the game still breaks sales records every new expac release despite being out for 15 years.
Blizzard have done it again! AMAZING! Reprints of previous cards with nothing new to add. This really is so boring, go check out Eternal & see how cards & interactions SHOULD be. You're a sinking ship. GIVE US SOMETHING NEW!
People who say that this expansion sucks are those who don't care about the balance of the game. If they added more op cards then you would get the same people crying on the forums saying "nerf the cards or i'll quit".
Stop printing Rush cards!! Rush sucks!!!
Are you high? Rush is one of the best keywords in the game, most rush minions are good for tempo.
this expansions seems even worst than boomsday. The disappointment is very very high.
Let me guess. Worst expansion ever??? :smh:
Boomsday was a great expansion. It brought back mechs and balanced the game. Although this is, most likely, worse than boomsday, it is still a good expansion.
Ladies and gentlemen..I give you the INTP personality with a hint of superiority complex. A very bad combination.
I say INTP instead of ENTP because if you talk like that I find it hard to believe he has the actual balls to say something like that in real life.
Sometimes I can be like that and I am INTP. It's the internet, home of the introverts.
Myers-Briggs, lul.
Watch out, everybody stating an opinion about the expansion being bad gets downvoted. Just Hearthpwn in a nutshell.
Getting downvoted is stating my point "insert insult".
and they lose all Death Knights and all legendary weapons and all quests! I doubt there will be a decent replacement for all of these. The meta will change very significantly when the next rotation hits.
It's me or Blizzard has been printing more Enrage cards since they decided to remove the keyword?
First Redband Wasp and now Spellzerker and Dozing Marksman. I think no other year had 3 different Enrage cards... Don't get me wrong both cards are a really cool twist on the effect, but it's just weird.
EDIT: 4 cards with Enrage. I forgot Quartz Elemental.
He's also richer and more accomplished than you'll ever be.
You just sound fucking salty my dude.
Being rich etc is not always a great way to evaluate a person. There are many people who are born privileged and rich and are just total pos. Also some very well educated/accomplished people play this game and others. You shouldn't assume.
So many cards that are just reprints from past expansions.