New Card Reveal - Mojomaster Zihi
A new card has been revealed by DDaHyoNi!
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Well with all the control stuff they are putting in, it's pretty much a given that their would be an anti-control type card to give aggro some more advantages. I'm just a little concerned with Rogue shadow stepping this and making it impossible for players to play cards to protect themselves.
This could be the sleeper OP card in the set.
meanwhile the only chance aggro has right now against most control decks is for them not to draw any of their boardclears, heals or taunts.
This helps midrange more than aggro, because it means they don'T need to decide between teching against aggro or just going full offense against control.
Also, most of our current aggro decks are Odd, so they can#T run this anyways.
If Odd Rogue or Pally would be able to run this I would be concerned, but they can't so it's fine.
Its strange card really. Hard to evaluate it properly.Its highly depends on how it works, coz its pretty unprecedented mechanic. Will you have 5 full mana crystal or not. I suppose not, coz then it will be like 1-mana 5-5.
Btw take in mind that you make your opponent mana equal 5, so at the start of next turn it will be 6 actually.
My first thought was its an aggro/midrange card. Put the board, drop it on turn 6 against priest and no Scream for 1 more turn.
But I of course its more like anti-combo and anti-control card
Imagine it against Mechacthun priest when he has that 5 cards left. Or even Mechacthun warlock, who has no more cards in deck.
Or against druid after he dropped first Maly/Togg (however you need to remove Twig here). You kill Maly, play this and he cant play floop-Maly coz he will have only 1 mana left
It may help against Shudder on turn 9 if you are really sure he have it. Take 4 more turns, it should be enough
Opponent warlock is reaching 10-turn with bunch of demons in dead pool? He can wait 4 more turns for sure. Not that good against Jaina, but also good if you see opponent have good opportunity.
Also it may slow down taunt druid a bit. But unfortunately 6 mana is exactly enough for Plague, so its wont help you a lot
It also might mess with combo priest a bit. same here, few turns (but maybe delay for anduin for 2 turns and Scream for 1 turn may win you a game)
TD;DR: Its really good against control/combo decks. If you are aggro/midrange you know for sure you wont win Jaina/Guldan in late, you can try it. even 1-2 turns may be enough to push it to death
if you use this on turn 10, do you have 5 mana crystals left? Or 4? If it's 5, then it basically comes with a coin if you use it on turn 10
Edited: Just realized if it did that this card would be broken. You could play on turn 6 and get 5 mana crystals back so it would just be a free 5/5
Anti Druid card mwuhahahHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
First I'll playing Void Contract, next turn I'll play this. That'll slow 'em down!
lol. That said this card is going to be a MOFO. It's versatile in it's disruption of "big minions and spells" and it hard counters DRUID RAMP. This card kills Druid ramp. Yikes!
Just wait this card is going to be one of the most ill-liked cards of the batch when it comes to actual play.
Could find some play as a tech vs. maly otk ?
Interesting, although druids might find a way to use it in their favor. Just like King Togwaggle, who seemingly affects both players in the same way unless it's comboed with Azalina Soulthief and druid cards.
Mechatun killer ^^. Warlock drawing the library and set up for cataclysm and you play that one. Have fun with four turns fagitue draw :-). Same for priests.
And instead of loosing 2 mana crystals, you lose 4
the reason losing mana crystals is bad is because it makes you behind in tempo... losing 4 mana crystals is irrelevant because the opponent will also lose 4 mana crystals.
Why play a deck buffing card turn nine though? At that point there are far better win conditions and you'll have drawn half your deck already
That's amazing. However unfortunately that does seem too slow, having the game plan of buffing your deck on turn 9 at the earliest. If there was a way of cheating this out early with some consistency then you've got a great potential deck.
If it sets to five full mana crystals, you just need to defend you Till nine mana after this and play shuderwock, and again, and again...
Actual infinite shudders
Druid gets bad cards this expansion and now they release this card? I guess they realized Druid and combo decks like Shudderwock are a problem.
I love the design.
Really good for aggro, and also a Druid destroyer: "Remember all those mana you spent to have 10 mana crystals in turn 5? Well, I have some terrible news for you...".
Imma make a Rogue deck with this, Shadowsteps and Brewmasters, then queue up until I find a druid and make sure he'll never reach 10 mana.