New Druid Card Reveal - Gonk, the Raptor
A new card has been revealed by PCGamesN.
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Something like this with 2-mana card version would be nice. then you could snipe out Odd-paladin silverhands with your hero power before T5 Level Up!.
Difficult to see how this one could be anyway playable in any deck...
It may attack again is refereeing to gonk, not your hero!?
If you have 2 Gonks, could they give you one or two extra attacks?
trying to make odd druid a thing.
Well this with 1 mana Claw makes a 4 attack "Fool's Bane" which seems pretty good actually...could even add Savagery for general synergies.
Okay Blizzard we'll keep playing Malygos druid, we get it.
Because the community is totally 1 person.
Druidstone is over. Hunterstone is coming...
Unless this expansion has some serious Druid hero attack buffing cards, I don't see this getting much play. 4/10 at best.
4/9 actually, unless you buff it
Honestly this card might be OK in some kind of Odd druid, the deck has more support in wild though. Overall I like the direction druid is taking, they might finally have some weaknesses when all the broken cards rotate in a few months
HS Community: Nerf Druid Nerf Druid Nerf Druid Nerf Druid Nerf Druid Nerf Druid
Blizzard: Alright fine, Druid can focus on hero attack synergy for this expansion
HS Community: OMG how can Blizzard print such bad cards
So, Twig of the World Tree buff?
I love the art but the effect is meh
Wait, this may allow to activate weapon pretty fast if opponent has bunch of 4 or less health guys on board and then you can also drae bunch of cards with spirit and complain how 30 armor isn't enough...
Not sure why everyone mentions standard rotation coming in April. It's almost as is they think we're skipping the next 3-4 months after the expansion drops. Have fun with it for 3-4 months.
Is not that bad that its seems. This could be a good board control combo with Feral Rage in wild, its like Fool's Bane for Druids.
Feels Like a Worse version of Giant Sand Worm, but It is technically not a bad thing if you have a lot of Health and armor and can remove minions on board without hurting your own minions. Toggwaggle druid might use this as defensive it is. not sure what kind of decks this will fit in though yet.
Odd Druid.
there are three missing cards for druid so far. i bet AT LEAST ONE will affect the hero's attack, like a minion that adds +2 / +3 attack this turn or something that will make this archetype more playable.