New Rogue Card Reveal - Gurubashi Hypemon
A new card has been revealed by IGN.
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ive never seen this digimon b4 PogChamp
You play this on turn 10 with the new Rogue Totem that has battlecries strigger twice and next turn you play two 1 mana 1/1s with a battlecry that also triggers twice. This has so much potential Value in a Control Rogue deck.
Thank goodness Vilespine Slayer isn't technically a battlecry... but this is gonna cause a resurgence in Wild C'Thun decks, especially with Blade of C'Thun providing an even better hit.
7 mana, How can dis be?
It seems like a Myra Rotspring but the opposite.
It's hard to evaluate a lot of these cards if you compare them to a current meta. Time will tell if a card like this has potential in an existing deck or some new design.
I don't really like this card, i would'a liked it if were Combo card instead of Battlecry since is a Rogue card.
I think we can't quite judge this one yet. Kind of like Gral, the stats just don't seem right. The whole theme of rogue this set is "cheating" so I'm imagining we're going to see a few more cards that let you cheat things out. Not sure how rogue is gonna look this expansion, but it makes sense to reveal some of the more "underwhelming on their own" cards first, before showing the synergies.
When I read "get something in low mana cost" in rogue cards, I read "get a combo activator". I really don't know what to expect about this card, it depends a lot about RNG to get a good minion (unless it came from your deck)
Lol they learn their lesson with barnes. But is just bad cause it aint a card from ur deck
I really don't get why this had to be such a high cost?
If it targeted your deck i could see the problem, but right now this just seems like way too slow for value. I mean, how many battlecry minions are so powerful that playing them before turn 8 for 1-mana would be a problem?
OUt of Rogue cards can only think of Gral, Myra and....this guy himself.
If this was at 4 or 5 mana I would use it, but right now it's just not worth it. Then again, maybe that's a good thing. So far most of ROgue'S cards have been pretty powerful. NOt everyone can be a winner
It can discover neutral cards too, they probably didn't want games to be decided on turn 4 like with Barnes when you get something very good (Alexstrasza, Onyxia, Dr Boom, Azalina in some cases etc.)
fair enough, Alex would be pretty ridiculous.
Alexstrasza is what i am hyped about. Could happen, but the probability is low. For sure a crazy highlight card and certainly a good card in wild. For standard i'm not quite sure for now.
The issue here is that it synergizes with Spirit of the Shark yet only offers you battlecries. As it so happens, Rogue isn't exactly overendowed on good class-specific battlecries and they are what you're going to be discovering most frequently. If you could also get Combo minions, this would be a different story, but since you don't have anything the caliber of a Fire Elemental or Kalimos in the battlecry pool, what exactly are you hoping to get out of this to affect the board and make up for the lost tempo?
Just plain stats.
Quite a few Rogue battlecry minions in the pool are situational, but even if a card like Tess Greymane has a useless battlecry, getting that amount of stats on the board for 7+1 mana is pretty good. (The way these cards typically work is that you get both neutral and class offers, but class offers are boosted in frequency.)
Compared to cards like Spiteful Summoner and Astromancer, you're not guaranteed to get a high-cost minion, but there are also no deck building constraints, the base stats of the summoner are better, you get to pick the best of 3 offers and sometimes you'll get a useful battlecry.
You might want to re-read the card. You don't get any "plain stats" out of a useless Tess Greymane battlecry. You discover 1/1s not full sized minions for 1 mana. So this is a total of 8 mana 6/8 of stats. The battlecry is all you care about.
Oops, missed that. Then it's pretty bad indeed.
Good arena card. Maybe odd rogue can find a spot for it as they lack good 7 drops.
This skinny pegleg announcer can't have Doomguard stats 0.0